

Language: English

Pages: 800

ISBN: 1464124922

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

This comprehensive textbook for the two-term course focuses students on not only the foundational concepts of astronomy but on the process of scientific discovery itself—how we know what we know about the cosmos. Engagingly written and filled helpful pedagogical tools, the book also excels at dispelling widely held misconceptions and helping students avoid common pitfalls as they explore the heavens.

Thoroughly updated, the new edition features the latest discoveries and new pedagogy, and is supported by an expanded media/supplements package centered on W. H. Freeman’s extraordinary new online course space, LaunchPad.

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Be perpendicular to our line of sight. The speed of this transverse movement across the sky does not affect wavelengths if the speed is small compared with c. Box 5-6 includes two examples of calculations with radial velocity using the Doppler formula. CAUTION! The redshifts and blueshifts of stars visible to the naked eye, or even through a small telescope, are only a small fraction of a nanometer. These tiny wavelength changes are far too small to detect visually. (Astronomers were able to.

Of your city or town and click the Save As Home Location button. You can always return to this starting screen by clicking the Home button in the toolbar. (2) To change your viewing direction, move the mouse in the view. When the mouse cursor appears as a little hand, hold down the mouse button (on a Windows computer, the left button) and drag the mouse; this action will move the sky and change the gaze direction. (3) Use the toolbar at the top of the main window to change the time and date.

Occurs around midnight. CAUTION! Despite the name, a first quarter moon appears to be half illuminated, not one-quarter illuminated! The name means that this phase is one-quarter of the way through the complete cycle of lunar phases. About four days later, the Moon reaches position D in Figure 3-2. Still more of the illuminated hemisphere can now be seen from Earth, giving us the phase called waxing gibbous moon (“gibbous” is another word for “swollen”). When you look at the Moon in this phase,.

ᎏ ␭ (6.625 ϫ 10Ϫ34 J s)(3 ϫ 108 m/s) ϭ 3.14 ϫ 10Ϫ19 J 6.33 ϫ 10Ϫ7 m This amount of energy is very small. The laser in a typical bar-code scanner emits 10Ϫ3 joule of light energy per second, so the number of photons emitted per second is 10Ϫ3 joule per second ϭ 3.2 ϫ 1015 photons per second 3.14 ϫ 10Ϫ19 joule per photon This number is so large that the laser beam seems like a continuous flow of energy rather than a stream of little energy packets. xx Preface Up-to-date information shows the.

While these objects emit radiation even in a darkened room, most of this emission is at wavelengths greater than those of red light, in the infrared part of the spectrum (see Figure 5-7). Your eye is not sensitive to infrared, and you thus cannot see ordinary objects in a darkened room. But you can detect this radiation by using a camera that is sensitive to infrared light (Figure 5-10). To better understand the relationship between the temperature of a dense object and the radiation it emits, it.

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