The Command of the Ocean: A Naval History of Britain 1649-1815

The Command of the Ocean: A Naval History of Britain 1649-1815

N. A. M. Rodger

Language: English

Pages: 954


Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

The Command of the Ocean describes with unprecedented authority and scholarship the rise of Britain to naval greatness, and the central place of the Navy and naval activity in the life of the nation and government. It describes not just battles, voyages and cruises but how the Navy was manned, how it was supplied with timber, hemp and iron, how its men (and sometimes women) were fed, and above all how it was financed and directed. It was during the century and a half covered by this book that the successful organizing of these last three - victualling, money and management - took the Navy to the heart of the British state. It is the great achievement of the book to show how completely integrated and mutually dependent Britain and the Navy then became.

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In the vain hope of intercepting d’Enville’s ships returning from Canada.31 On 26 December, still far at sea, ‘Ushant bearing North-East by East 70 leagues’, he wrote to Bedford on learning that the French had escaped him, ‘From what I have felt this last fortnight I think whoever happens to have success at sea cannot be too well rewarded, for I would not suffer the same anguish of mind, that I have done upon this disappointment for all the honours, riches and pleasures this world can afford.’32.

(as well they might), but in the circumstances this was a political act not much short of a veiled threat. Cromwell dared not dismiss so popular an officer as Lawson (that was how half the fleet had been lost to the Royalists in 1648), but it was all the more urgent to find some employment for the Navy which would keep it out of politics.2 ‘God has not brought us hither where we are,’ Cromwell informed his Parliament, ‘but to consider the work that we may do in the world.’3 For obvious political.

The battle of Worcester; Charles II escapes in disguise. Sep 30: The Constant Reformation founders in a gale off the Azores, Prince Rupert narrowly escaping. Oct 31: Surrender of the Isle of Man to Parliamentary forces. Dec 12: Surrender of Jersey. Dec 19: Surrender of Guernsey. 1652 Jan 11: Barbados surrenders to Sir George Ayscue. Apr: Galway surrenders to Parliamentary forces; the last Royalist port in the British Isles. May: Prince Rupert’s ships in the West Indies. May 19: Battle.

[same in all rates] Sailmaker’s Crew 1 10 6 [same in all rates] Gunsmith 1 10 6 1 10 6 – – – – Cook 1 10 6 1 10 6 1 10 6 1 10 6 1 10 6 1 9 6 Steward’s Mate 1 6 2 1 6 2 1 6 2 1 6 2 – – Able Seamen 1 9 6 [same in all rates] Ordinary Seamen 1 3 6 [same in all rates] Landmen 1 1 6 [same in all rates] Source: PRO: ADM 7/678 No. 23 The pay of the standing warrant officers (boatswain, gunner,.

Économie et société, pp. 55–9. Beveridge, Prices and Wages, pp. 520–27. Hughes, Administration and Finance, pp. 290–91. J. D. Joslin, ‘London Bankers in Wartime, 1739–84’, in Studies in the Industrial Revolution Presented to T. S. Ashton, ed. L. S. Pressnell (London, 1960), pp. 156–77. 3 Mathias and O’Brien, ‘Taxation’, pp. 625–36. Velde and Weir, ‘Financial Market’. Pritchard, Louis XV’s Navy, pp. 178–201. Meyer, Le Poids de l’état, pp. 49–59. Legohérel, Les Trésoriers généraux, pp. 177–252.

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