Terrestrial Astrology: Divination by Geomancy

Terrestrial Astrology: Divination by Geomancy

Stephen Skinner

Language: English

Pages: 151


Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

This book is concerned with divinatory geomancy, a technique using sixteen figures composed of dots to foretell the future. This was originally done by marking the earth (geo-), usually sand, at random with a stick or throwing pebbles, nuts, or seeds haphazardly, and later by writing lines of dots on paper. The greater part of the book deals with the history of this art, and there are notes and a bibliography. About seventy pages explain the practice which is based on principles similar to those of the Chinese I Ching. The Greek sources mean by "geomancy" observing cracks in the earth rather than creating chance patterns on oneself. Dismissing Persia, India, and Palestine with good reasons as the country of origin, the author concludes that the Arabs were the first to practice the art. From Arabia it spread through North Africa to the Sahara; second, via the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean to Madagascar; third via Mislim Spain to the rest of Europe.

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Middle ages as the poor relation of the divinatory sciences, The roots of geomancy as it has come to be, an attitude which has biased-many scholars. to thepoint where they look upon the subject, which was important in its own time, as below the notice of the great men of the period under. study - a situation rather similar to doubting that Newton was interested in alchemy, when in terms of written output it -farexceeded his interest in physics. THEORIES OF ORIGIN Classical references The.

The male sex'; enough to make the original Agrippa turn in his grave! 149 150 HISTORY While Kirchenhoffer's volume remained a 'one off' effort, Smith and Graham contrived to work at. popularizing astrology and geomancy. Graham combined ballooning with astrology (no doubt consulting. his chart before going aloft) anda touch .of alchemy, all of which he found quite practical arts..Smith, under the pseudonym of Raphael, meanwhile became the editor of a periodical, the Straggling Astrologer of.

Prostitute it', for it consists of sets of interpretative ~ables whose main claim to fame is that they are an Incomplete summary of an earlier. text. The tables of Witnesses and Judge are set out in such a way that you can derive answers to ten different categories of questions which are, 'Life, Money, Rank, Property, 'Wife, Sex of Child, Sickness, Prison, Journey, Thing Lost'. These ten categories of question, rather oddly assorted in themselves, are actually a bastardized version of the twelve.

Would involve a second complete reading in itself. 6. To determine the Index (or as it is a money question, the Part of Fortune), add up the total number of dots used in forming the first twelve figures. In this example, the total comes to 151 dots. Dividing by 12 gives an answer of 12 with a remainder of 7. The remainder is significant because it places the Part of Fortune in the Seventh House. Again we have the Seventh House (of the twelve possible Houses) cropping .up ·to reinforce the reading.

(includes 'La geomancie chez les arabes' by Baron Carra de Vaux, p. 299) Heiberg & Zeuthen, Toulouse and Paris, 1920. TRANCART, ANDRE. 'Sur un precede de divination de l'Adrar mauritanien, le gzan', Bull. du Comite d'etudes bistoriques et scientifiques de 1'Afrique occidental francaise, vol. XXI, no. 104, Paris, Oct-Dec, 1938, pp. 489-98. Fa, ita and voodoo (chapter 3) ALAPINI JULIEN. Les Noix Sacrees. Etude complete de Fa-Abidegoun. Genie de la Sagesse et La Divination au Dahomey, Regain,.

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