Seeing, Hearing, and Smelling the World (Brain Works)

Seeing, Hearing, and Smelling the World (Brain Works)

Carl Y Saab

Language: English

Pages: 101

ISBN: 0791089452

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Light, sound, taste, and smell shape our lives dramatically, but how does this happen? How can a far-away noise elicit a joyful memory or a cry? How can the smell of cookies take you back to early childhood? This book reveals the phenomena underlying our senses, with a discussion of what can go wrong (for example, hearing colors or seeing sounds).

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Camera lens, the eye’s lens focuses light to form sharp, clear images. It is important to note that distant objects tend to emit light in a nearly parallel trajectory, thus requiring minimal refraction by the eye for proper accommodation. Light emitted by closer objects reaches the eye along a more diverging path, thus requiring “stronger” accommodation to “converge” them back into the photosensitive area in the back of the internal eye. In this case, the ciliary body contracts and thickens the.

Minutes daily. The Retina Light that enters the eye eventually hits the photosensitive area in the back of the inner eye called the retina. The retina contains a layer of cells sensitive to light known as photoreceptors. All of the structures in the eye serve three main 53 54 Seeing, Hearing, and Smelling the World purposes: (1) to protect the eye from foreign objects such as insects and microbes, (2) to capture light most efficiently, and (3) to focus light on photoreceptors in the retina.

Therefore, spring and summer are the best times to smell. Another reason is that warm weather makes odorants more soluble and so they mix better with our mucus. This enhances our sense of smell. Odors are distinctive—so distinctive that certain animals, including common pets, use them to identify other animals or humans. Odorants can have a powerful influence over mating behavior, whereby secreted molecules may prepare an animal for pairing. In addition, strong odorants secreted in a dog’s urine.

Nucleus and the rest of the cellular machinery necessary to make proteins, generate energy, and sustain the life of the neuron. Out of this cell body emerges dendrites (head) and an axon (tail end). Neurons generally receive messages through their dendritic synapses and send messages down their axons to synapses on one or many neurons. A message is relayed from one neuron to another, and the flow of communication is secured. These simple rules and those highlighted in the previous paragraph are.

(pinna) looks complex, it is a simpler biological structure than the inner ear. The main function of the outer ear is to maximize the amount of sound that reaches the ear, almost like a funnel for sound. After being guided through the pinna, vibrating air molecules hit the eardrum (tympanic membrane). The eardrum can be compared to the surface of a real drum that turns tapping or striking into louder sounds. When the surface of a drum is struck, it vibrates and causes air molecules inside the.

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