

Faye Kellerman

Language: English

Pages: 272

ISBN: 0061687219

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Prism takes us to a slightly alternate universe in which medicine and health care do not exist, and in which sick people are allowed to die without any care. Set in New Mexico and California, the novel features three teens who fall through a cave at Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico while on a field trip. They are plunged into a frightening parallel universe—seven weeks in the past, in which their "normal" worlds of family and high school remain the same…except for the fact that no medicine exists and when people die in the street they are picked up and disposed of.

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It.” “Taken, are we?” She raised an eyebrow and sipped her root beer. “You have a boyfriend!” I said this without knowing whether my statement was legitimate. Maria went through guys like Suzanne went through diapers—daily and not very cleanly. “So really, you think he’s cute?” “I think he’s, h-h-h…” She sneezed and wiped her nose on her sweater. “You sound like someone stuck Mount Kilimanjaro up your nose,” I remarked. “Yeah, well,” she mumbled in a nasty tone. “Why the bitterness?” “You.

Kaida?” “What’s up?” “I think you need to come over.” I didn’t know how else to initiate a meeting with Zeke Anderson. “I feel the need to remind you I have a girlfriend.” He chuckled. My face heated up. “Yeah, everyone and the king of Spain knows that. Look. Do you want to come over or not?” If he said yes, I would know that I wasn’t nuts. If he said no, I’d say never mind and hang up and that would be that. I wouldn’t ever think about it again. I heard Zeke inhale sharply. “I think I get.

Imagine what it’s like for people who seriously hook up—if you know what I mean.” I knew exactly what she meant. I got up and began to walk around my room. It was in a state of chaos. My plaid kilt was rumpled on the floor and my underwear drawer was embarrassingly open. Subtly I tried to close it with the side of my body. “So maybe people do understand sick but just don’t want to talk about it because there are no cures.” “That could be,” Joy said. “After my mom slapped me…I went into the.

Feel better, right?’ “Right.” “So it really does exist.” “I think so.” At the moment, I wasn’t sure of anything. “But the medicines are not natural, right?” “Well, medicines don’t grow on trees, if that’s what you mean. But they’re safe to use…if you use them correctly.” My eyes met his. This wasn’t the time or place to notice, but I couldn’t help myself. He really was hot. “What did you do when you didn’t find anything in the library or on the internet?” “I tried to be discreet and ask a.

This, I was sure of it. “I can’t get out!” Zeke screamed. I couldn’t see anything, but I felt a blazing metal handle. I said a three-second prayer and pulled. The handle came off. Still trapped, I lunged forward and touched a glass surface in front of me. Without warning, it shattered. I could make out the darker colors, blues and blacks outside. I charged forward, the heat surrounding me swiftly dissolving into the chill of the night. I knew I had scratched myself, but I didn’t care. I ran.

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