Op-Art Socks: Creative Effects in Sock Knitting

Op-Art Socks: Creative Effects in Sock Knitting

Stephanie van der Linden

Language: English

Pages: 160

ISBN: 159668903X

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Enjoy a fresh new approach to sock knitting! Stephanie van der Linden is a master knitter and shows her technical skills to great effect in Op-Art Socks. A collector of op-art ceramics, she was inspired to translate graphic optical illusions into knitted patterns for socks, replicating their eye-popping effects.

Op-Art Socks contains 19 projects. Explore graphic colorwork, textured knitting (knit and purl), shadow knitting, and shifting ribbing to create optical illusions. The book includes black and white swatches of all patterns so that you can readily perceive the op-art illusions in each piece.

Op-Art Socks is truly unique in theme and designs. Go beyond ordinary sock knitting into new territory!

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Needle 3. Row 3: Sl 1, purl to last st of Needle 2, p2tog (last st of Needle 2 tog with 1 st from Needle 1), turn—1 st joined from Needle 1. Rep Rows 2 and 3 eight (nine) more times—77 (89) sts rem; 22 (27) sts on Needle 1, 32 (34) sole sts on Needle 2, 23 (28) sts on Needle 3. Note: Needle 1 has one less stitch than Needle 3 because it had an extra stitch joined in Row 1. Sole Work even in rows on sole sts while cont to join instep sts as foll: Row 1: (RS) Sl 1, knit to last st of.

Two. To avoid having to cut the working yarns, before you cast on for the cuff, cut a length of yarn to be used for picking up gusset stitches. Use this length to pick up and knit stitches along the right side of the heel flap (the side that usually would be worked last), then use the attached yarn to work across the heel stitches and to pick up and knit stitches along the left side of the heel flap. You’ll then have both working yarns in position to work in rounds and the rounds will begin.

When rejoining in the rnd for the gussets. HEEL FLAP With MC, work heel sts back and forth in rows for your size as foll: Women’s size only Set-up row: (WS) Turn work so WS is facing, p33 sts on Needle 2. Men’s size only Set-up row: (WS) Turn work so WS is facing, work sts on Needle 2 as p34, k2tog—35 heel sts rem. Both sizes Cont on 33 (35) heel sts as foll: Row 1: (RS) K2, *sl 1, k1; rep from * to last st, k1. Row 2: (WS) K1, purl to last st, k1. Rep the last 2.

(17) provisional CO sts also outlined in orange at the sides of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th crescents in Strip One, and place these sts on one cir needle (Needle 3)—60 (68) sts on Needle 3. Thread a strand of A on a tapestry needle and use the invisible vertical-to-horizontal seam (see Glossary) to join the 60 (68) live sts on Needle 3 to the edge of the piece outlined in purple, joining about 1 live st for every garter ridge or St st stripe along the selvedge of Strip Four outlined in purple.

Beholder to vacillate between two or more interpretations. The reversible cube in this design consists of two squares that represent the front and back side of the cube. The tiling arrangement lets the cubes be viewed from above or below. Because both interpretations are valid, the viewer’s eye often causes the image to flip back and forth between the two possibilities. Josef Albers (1888–1976) used this effect for his 1942 work Prefation. For these socks, named after Josef Albers, I worked the.

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