On Toleration (Castle Lectures Series)

On Toleration (Castle Lectures Series)

Michael Walzer

Language: English

Pages: 144

ISBN: 0300076002

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Walzer examines five regimes of toleration from multinational empires to immigrant societies, to discover what kind of political arrangements enable people from different national, racial, religious or ethnic groups to live in peace.

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Center-though one or two sometimes managed to hold out, and thus became the focus of subnational or protonational resistance. The legacy of this history is a great reluctance to tolerate other languages in any role larger than familial communication or religious worship. Hence the majority nation commonly insists that national minorities learn and use its language in all their public transactions-when they vote, go to court, register a contract, and so on. Minorities, if they are strong enough,.

Different implications for everyday moral life-that is, for the actual interactions and mutual involvements of individual men and women. No one of these forms is universally valid. Beyond the minimalist claim for the value of peace, and the rules of forbearance that it entails (which match, roughly, the standard account of basic human rights), there are no principles that govern all the regimes of toleration or that require us to act in all circum- INTRODUCTION : 3 stances, in all times and.

And the Middle East. I will have to rely on other people to tell me whether, or to what extent, the argument fits Latin American, African, and Asian realities. CHAPTER ONE Personal Attitudes and Political Arrangements former teacher once instructed me. Tell your readers what you are not going to do; it will relieve their minds, and they will be more inclined to accept what seems a modest project. So I will begin this plea for tolerance with a couple of negative distinctions. I am not going to.

Associations. Ultimately, I'm not sure that it makes for strong or self-confident individuals. Rates of disengagement from cultural association and identity for the sake of the private pursuit of happiness (or the desperate search for economic survival) are so high these days that all the groups worry about how to hold the periphery and ensure their own future. They are constantly fund-raising; recruiting; scrambling for workers, allies, and endorsements; preaching against the dangers of.

PostmodernityC EPILOGUE: Reflections on American Multiculturalism Notes Acknowledgments Index 123 Preface As an American Jew, I grew up thinking of myself as an object of toleration. I t was only much later that I recognized myself as a subject too, an agent called upon to tolerate others, including fellow Jews whose idea of what Jewishness meant differed radically from my own. My dawning sense of the United States as a country where everyone had to tolerate everyone else (a formula I shall.

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