Multicore Technology: Architecture, Reconfiguration, and Modeling (Embedded Multi-Core Systems)

Multicore Technology: Architecture, Reconfiguration, and Modeling (Embedded Multi-Core Systems)

Muhammad Yasir Qadri

Language: English

Pages: 491

ISBN: 1439880638

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

The saturation of design complexity and clock frequencies for single-core processors has resulted in the emergence of multicore architectures as an alternative design paradigm. Nowadays, multicore/multithreaded computing systems are not only a de-facto standard for high-end applications, they are also gaining popularity in the field of embedded computing.

The start of the multicore era has altered the concepts relating to almost all of the areas of computer architecture design, including core design, memory management, thread scheduling, application support, inter-processor communication, debugging, and power management. This book gives readers a holistic overview of the field and guides them to further avenues of research by covering the state of the art in this area. It includes contributions from industry as well as academia.

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FloPoCo supports such optimizations. In MORA-C++, the reduced-precision floating-point type can be represented as a template type float, which makes it very easy for the MORA-C++ compiler to pass the required magnitude and precision on to the FloPoCo compiler. 1.6 Hardware Infrastructure for the MORA Framework Apart from the core MORA architecture, i.e., the network of Reconfigurable Cells, the MORA Framework requires an infrastructure for I/O and external memory access. This section.

Be efficiently dispatched and processed. This is only feasible in a multithreaded execution environment. Designers are thus showing interest in a System-on-Chip (SoC) paradigm composed of multiple computation resources and a network that is highly efficient in terms of latency and bandwidth. The resulting new trend in architectural design is exemplified by the MultiProcessor SoC (MPSoC) (Jerraya and Wolf 2005). Another important feature of future embedded computation-intensive applications is the.

Eclipse based framework • Modelsim • Graphical output debug FIGURE 3.1 SESAM overview. The SESAM framework uses ArchC instruction set simulators in a SystemC/TLM environment. It has been specifically designed for fast design space exploration of asymmetric MPSoCs. MPSoC environment named SESAM, which can easily be integrated into the design flow. The next section will give an overview of this framework. 3.3 SESAM Overview SESAM is a tool that has been specifically built to ease the design.

Power Management Evaluation in SESAM To study the impact of our scheduling algorithm, presented in Section 3.7, we chose to compare it to two simpler versions of the algorithm. The first version does not handle power issues. It simply schedules tasks, relying on pipeline stage position and blocked states, and DVFS is not exploited. It is referred to as no energy handling scheduling. The second version is DPM only scheduling. This corresponds to a naive power-aware approach. Here, unused.

Of the second iteration. Case I: σ(c, s) = n We have most recently encountered a (c, WaitSignal s) AVOp. If n < l then we did not encounter a WaitSignal in the body of the loop. Since the body was executed twice, there could also not have been a SendSignal c s or we would have two SendSignal s without a WaitSignal between them. This in turn would mean the twice-unrolled loop would not be locally sequential. Thus, the unrolled version of the loop will not change the state of σ(c, s). If n ≥ l then.

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