Inside Microsoft SharePoint 2013

Inside Microsoft SharePoint 2013

Scot Hillier, Andrew Connell, Ted Pattison, Mirjam van Olst, Wictor Wilen, Kyle Davis

Language: English

Pages: 1028

ISBN: 2:00275843

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Take a deep dive into SharePoint 2013, and master the intricacies for designing and implementing robust apps and other business solutions for your organization. Led by an author team with in-depth knowledge of SharePoint architecture, you’ll thoroughly explore the SharePoint 2013 development platform and new app model through hands-on tasks and extensive code samples.

Discover how to:
• Create SharePoint-hosted, provider-hosted, and autohosted apps
• Master the new app security model with OAuth and Certificates
• Develop workflows with the SharePoint 2013 workflow model
• Design a custom search experience and create search-based apps
• Leverage the client-side object model and REST APIs
• Produce catalog-driven web sites with Web Content Management capabilities
• Get cloud-based data sources with Business Connectivity Services
• Create and utilize remote event receivers for lists and libraries
• Generate new social networking apps and solutions

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Name="FullName" Member="FullName"/> The Web element is the root of the schema. The Class attribute specifies the name of the DataContext class to generate, and the AccessModifier attribute specifies the access level to the class. The List element is a child of the Web element and specifies the name of a list for which entities should be generated. The Member attribute specifies the.

Files for standard master pages and themes --> The NavBars element of the GLOBAL site definition is empty; no top-level or Quick Launch navigation elements are defined in it. The ListTemplates element contains ListTemplate elements that define list definitions for creating special system lists and galleries such as the Master Page Gallery, the Solution Gallery, and the Web Part Gallery. The BaseTypes section provides a definition for each of the supported base types. The base.

People picker value var html = $("#ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_peoplePicker_upLevelDiv"); wfParams['UserLoginName'] = $("#divEntityData", html).attr("key"); // get string input var strInputValue = document.getElementById("strInput").value; if (strInputValue) { wfParams['SomeRandomString'] = strInputValue; }With the parameters selected, find the comment “Get workflow subscription and then start the workflow” further along in the JavaScript. This section obtains a reference to the Workflow Services.

To generate an ID that is unique at a scope higher than site collection, such as web applications or even the whole farm. GetDocumentUrlsById(). This method accepts a Document ID string and returns a list of URLs for the corresponding document. It can return multiple values, because developers can copy documents programmatically from one location to another and specify that the Document ID be retained on the copied instance. GetSampleDocumentIdText(). This method generates a sample Document ID.

To. Within that site collection, you can iterate through the SPWeb, SPList, and SPListItem objects. Keep in mind, though, that a sandboxed solution is only allowed to consume a limited amount of resources. These resources are normalized to Resource Points. When the Resource Points of a specific site collection have been used up, all sandboxed solutions in that site collection are shut down until the Resource Points are reset. This happens once every 24 hours by default. This makes iterating.

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