Bulletproof Your Job: 4 Simple Strategies to Ride Out the Rough Times and Come Out On Top at Work

Bulletproof Your Job: 4 Simple Strategies to Ride Out the Rough Times and Come Out On Top at Work

Stephen Viscusi

Language: English

Pages: 192

ISBN: 0061713600

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

There's no doubt about it, today's workplace is an uncertain and treacherous territory. Newspaper headlines are proclaiming near record-high levels of unemployment, and, in these tough times, companies are making swift judgments about human capital.

The bottom line: No job is safe.

But there are tried and true ways to fight off sudden unemployment successfully, and the number one weapon in your arsenal is workplace expert and television and radio personality Stephen Viscusi's career manifesto, Bulletproof Your Job. Based on four simple strategies for dodging the layoff bullet and a long list of ways to implement these strategies, Bulletproof Your Job may save you from your worst enemy at work—which just so happens to be you.

Quite simply, observe these imperative rules:

Be visible. Be easy. Be useful. Be ready.

With plenty of distinct action items, dozens of anecdotal illustrations and examples, and lists and tips for adapting bulletproof strategies to your own situation, Bulletproof Your Job will show you how to leverage the black-and-white stuff—your title, salary, and tenure—with the gray stuff—your relationship with coworkers, visibility in the workplace, and ability to make your boss look good—to ward off the pink stuff—the dreaded layoff notice. While you're at it, you'll be creating a long-term strategy for job security and career advancement that ensures you'll never feel this vulnerable again.

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High, but it’s crucial to hang out with the right people at work. While on the one hand you can never have too many friends, on the other there’s only so much time to spend on the people in your work life, so make sure they’re smart, well dressed, and well thought of by their peers and supervisors. Your “crew” should be highly presentable and ambitious up-and-comers, not unkempt sloths. The idea is to have a network of valuable professional friendships that can help you bulletproof your career,.

Of the level of confidence you can share, though. It’s one thing to commiserate about the department assistant refusing to answer the phone; it’s another to pass along privileged information about what you’re working on. Use your head; know what’s harmless poop you can share to make you closer and what’s best kept to yourself to protect your job. Understands the parameters of your professional relationship. It’s collegial, not emotional or deeply affectionate. And if it goes beyond collegial and.

Every thing in between. Why all the sleuthing? At the least you’ll be up to date on whatever they’re doing that’s in the news, which can be a valuable starter to your introductory conversation. At the most, you might find out he attended the same college as you did or he comes from the same small town as your granddad, in which case you’ve hit the mother lode. Such personal details are very powerful connectors that can multiply the value of a simple introduction dramatically. Next, brainstorm.

Against others. Hmmm. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t leave my job security in the hands of a bunch of jackasses and receptionists and printers. When you choose to own your outcomes instead of blaming them on others, you begin to see all the ways you can control those outcomes and make them turn out better. Look in the mirror. Every time you catch yourself blaming someone—whether silently to yourself or, worse, out loud—stop and identify your own role in the outcome. Then identify an.

Like two years. (Sorry, but ageism exists and the older you are, the longer it will take you to land a job.) These are the amounts advised by financial experts that should be reserved to tide you over in case you lose your job. So how will this bulletproof the job you have? Money equals confidence. Knowing your rent or mortgage is covered in any event will allow you to behave with a strategic long-term interest in keeping your job, taking care of your boss, and serving your company, not out of.

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