Astronomy: A Self-Teaching Guide, Eighth Edition (Wiley Self Teaching Guides)

Astronomy: A Self-Teaching Guide, Eighth Edition (Wiley Self Teaching Guides)

Language: English

Pages: 388

ISBN: 1620459906

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

For a generation, Astronomy: A Self-Teaching Guide has introduced hundreds of thousands of readers worldwide to the night sky. Now this classic beginner's guide has been completely revised to bring it up to date with the latest discoveries. Updated with the latest, most accurate information, new online resources, and more than 100 new graphics and photos, this Eighth Edition features:


   ·Website addresses throughout for the best color images and astronomy resources online

   ·Technical ideas made simple without mathematics

   ·A beautiful updated full-color, glossy insert with spectacular images

   ·An interactive format with learning goals, reviews, self-tests, and answers for fast learning

Capturing the Stars: Astrophotography by the Masters

Photographic Atlas of the Moon

Grating Spectroscopes and How to Use Them (The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series)

Grating Spectroscopes and How to Use Them (The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series)

Weird Weather: Tales of Astronomical and Atmospheric Anomalies (Astronomers' Universe)

















Its spectrum. A varying Doppler shift is apparent in the spectral lines as the stars approach and recede from Earth. Almost a thousand spectroscopic binaries have been analyzed. The brighter member of Mizar (Mizar A) is a spectroscopic binary. An eclipsing binary is situated so that one star passes in front of its companion, cutting off light from our view at regular intervals. An eclipsing binary regularly changes in brightness. You can see the famous eclipsing binary Algol, the Demon, in.

By amazed seventeenthcentury observers, who first recorded its brightness fluctuations. Name three characteristics of a pulsating variable star that change periodically. (1) _____________ ; (2) _____________ ; (3) _____________ Answer: (1) Size; (2) luminosity; (3) temperature. 5.10 DEATH All stars evolve in about the same way, although over different periods of time, until their cores become mostly accumulated carbon (Figure 5.8). The last stage in a star’s evolution, or the way it finally.

________________________________________________________________________ Answer: A small dense (dying) star of low luminosity and high surface temperature, typically about the size of Earth but with mass equal to the Sun’s. 5.13 LIFE CYCLE OF SUNLIKE STARS Identify each stage of the life of a star like our Sun, as labeled sequentially in Figure 5.10. (a) _________________________________________________________ ; (b) ____________________________________________________________________ ; (c).

Made of many individual bright stars. The entire Milky Way Galaxy contains over 200 billion stars. Those stars are very far apart from each other. On the average, a star’s nearest neighbor star is about 5 light-years away. What is a galaxy? _____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Figure 6.1. A view toward the center of our Milky Way Galaxy in the constellation Sagittarius. Gas and dust clouds and myriad stars.

Space behind the “horse’s head” really empty of stars? Explain. ________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ★ 175 176 ★ ASTRONOMY 7. Why is the 21-cm radio radiation emitted by hydrogen atoms more useful.

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