Anita Bean's Sports Nutrition for Young Athletes

Anita Bean's Sports Nutrition for Young Athletes

Anita Bean

Language: English

Pages: 160


Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Young athletes, parents, coaches and PE teachers want to know how good
nutrition can help young sportsmen and women fulfill their potential.
As the government focuses on healthy eating for children, this is
becoming even more important with the growing threat to their
well-being from inactivity and obesity. With the 2012 Olympic Games
approaching, the number of young people participating in sport is set
to be the highest it has ever been. Around 85% regularly take part in
sports activities outside lessons - swimming is the most common
activity for girls, with football for boys. 43% spend between 1-5 hours
per week doing sport outside lesons (Sport England).
Carefully researched and satisfying the need for a nutrition book specifically for this age group, Sports Nutrition for Young Athletes
offers clear advice to sports coaches, teachers and parents of young
people wanting to maximise their sports performance through eating
healthily and sensibly. The book covers issues such as:

Weight, body composition and eating disorders
Nutritional considerations for five categories (Track/running, swimming, gym/ice/dance, racquet sports, football/rugby)
Practical nutrition tips
Eating plans and competition eating strategies
Easy delicious and nutritious recipes.

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Cereals, fortified breakfast cereals, pulses, green leafy vegetables Milk and dairy products, sardines, dark-green leafy vegetables, pulses, nuts and seeds Vegetable oils, margarine, oily fish, nuts, seeds, egg yolk, avocado What are the best food sources? Constipation, stomach discomfort; avoid unnecessary supplementation – may increase free radical damage High intakes may interfere with absorption of other minerals; take with magnesium and vitamin D Toxicity is rare Side-effects of.

And exercise behaviour that could put their performance and health at risk. In such cases, young athletes, whether overweight or not, should be discouraged from losing weight. Instead, parents and coaches should try to build the young athlete’s self-esteem and help them feel more positive about their weight and performance. Praising their successes and emphasising their strengths should help reduce undue anxiety about their weight. On the other hand, for young athletes who are genuinely.

This is especially important if they are travelling to the competition venue on this day, as it’s easy to forget to drink. Their urine should be pale in colour (see the ‘pee chart’ presented in Figure 2.1) – if not, then they need to step up their fluid intake. Beware of the gas – it may be wise to avoid gas-producing foods (or combinations of foods) such as beans, lentils, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts Eat 104 Sports Nutrition for Young Athletes_BOOK.indb 104.

Minutes until the mince has browned and the onion softened. Add the chilli powder and oregano, and cook for another 1–2 minutes. 2 Add the tomato purée, beans and water, cover and cook over a low heat for about 1 hour. Serve the chilli with cooked rice. Nutrition (per serving) 250 kcal 19 g protein 11 g fat (3.2 g saturates) 19 g carbohydrate 116 Sports Nutrition for Young Athletes_BOOK.indb 116 29/06/2010 11:56:27 MAIN MEALS Chicken bake Makes 4 servings 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 onions,.

It comes to sugar and performance. For example, many people believe that consuming high-sugar foods or drinks will give them extra energy for exercise. I frequently see young athletes munching sweets and chocolate bars on their way to training sessions, or swigging sugary drinks just before setting out. In fact, researchers have shown that the opposite holds true – consuming sugar before exercise, does not improve performance or stamina (Burke et al., 1998; Wu and Williams, 2006). The problem is.

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