Energy Saving Tips
November 1, 2014 by admin
Filed under Energy Efficiency Info
You often hear yourself crying out when the electricity bill with its fat numbers are looking back at you with its units confirming that yes it was you who raised them. No matter then how much you earn you may still want to cut out on things that eat out a major part of your salary and what can be the best way to start them? Yes, your electricity bills!
All the electrical appliances and gadgets add up to our burden of power bills month after month until you start thinking about depriving yourself of all those technologies you had once bought to make your life easier, so, instead of completely ruling them out of your life we should work a bit on how they can be used effectively. Ensuring that our house is completely sealed maximizes the use, time and energy saving of our heating devices as it helps in maintaining the temperature. The same is true in case of air conditioning systems.
To seal our house perfectly, we need to pay special attention to joints, windows etc. Plastics are the best material to insulate, but on moveable objects we might want to use weather strippers which seal a moveable object from its non-moveable object like doors, windows and garage doors.
Then comes the blinds and drapes. We should choose those drapes which cover the windows entirely and open them when the weather is sunny to naturally let the heat insulate our home. That way we save quite a handsome amount on heating systems. If you are not around, turn down the heating of your thermostat because even a centigrade lower equals to 2% of your saved energy.
When dishwashing or doing laundry, we should turn the dial to cold which would help in saving 85%-90% of energy. In this case, a front loading machine is a better technology then the conventional ones since it saves us 50% on water and 50% on energy. Similarly, dishwashers use the same amount of energy regardless of wash load so it is better to load our dishwashers fully.
Most of the heat part of our systems is lost when our basements have leaks and drafts on the walls. We must make sure that these places are properly sealed to conserve heat and energy. We can also add insulation to our basements to ensure heat conservation. One way to know whether our basements have leaks or not, is to look for spider webs. If there are webs, there are leaks! We should not turn on our garage heating system all the time. In fact we can always heat up minutes before going even if we spend a lot of time there. In this way, we can save up a lot of energy. We should use the garage heating system only when necessary.
Finally, the electronic devices whether it is our TV, stereo, lights or any other devices that use electricity we should make sure to switch them off when they are not in use.