

Karin Lowachee

Language: English

Pages: 464

ISBN: 0446610771

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

When Jos' parents are killed in an attack on their trading ship, the boy is kidnapped by the attackers and then escapes - only to fall into the alien hands of humanity's greatest enemies. He is soon coerced into becoming a spy against the human race.

Fair Coin

Fire on the Mountain (Spectacular Fiction)

Doomsday Book (Oxford Time Travel, Book 1)

Reflex (Jumper, Book 2)

Crescent (Helium-3, Book 2)












To death if I don't fix." "Why did you help me?" He didn't answer. He rose smoothly. I backed up a pace. He took one step to the window and touched the wall by the curtain edge. A screen came down behind the curtains, shutting out the sun. Lights in the ceiling opened automatically. I stepped back again when he looked at me. He wasn't as tall as Falcone but I didn't like the slow way he moved. I didn't like this room and its silence. He said eventually, "The man that shoots you, who." His.

They were human or striviirc-na. The roofs were patterned in those swirls, but they weren't all the same. The deep green trees sprouted like hair among them, growing from the gray and brown mountain rock. I had to remember to breathe. "Come," Nikolas-dan said, from behind me. "Stand with me." He taught me how to breathe. Facing each other on opposite sides of a small white circle embedded in the gloss-dark floor, he made me sit, stand, sometimes move my arms in and out, timed with my breaths.

Guarantee you now, you will face them. "The men and women around you are your company, your crew, the equals of your own lives. This is not a competition; there are no prize winners. If you live that is your reward; when you help others to live, that is your duty. Nobody here will tolerate any degree of hotdogging, bravado that leads to careless execution of tasks, or hazing among yourselves. Be assured we hold enough authorization to boot your asses out of this bay and, if necessary, out the.

Hand-picks. Mostly prisoners. Pirates and symps. Strits when he gets 'em." "The crew seems loyal." "It's different from an insystemer. Deep spacers're their own little cities, pretty damn self-sufficient. They gotta be, kinda. The crew knows that. Mac grows some of its own food, mano. Azarcon got his own bioengineering team aboard. I swear it pays to have a daddy in the Joint Chiefs." I certainly hadn't read that, about the food. "The military justifies that cost?" "Ah, they can boo all they.

Before I could take aim again. All the cells roused in one yelling match. I shoved at the jet but she was capable and held on. I could have floored her but that would've got me into more trouble. "Corporal Dorr is on his way. Let go the gun!" I let it go and stared fiercely into the cell, at the packed prisoners who let the man I'd shot lie there bleeding. "I wanna know what you did to Evan D'Silva, who had anything to do with him, and where they are!" I wrenched from the jet's hold and strode.

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