The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology

The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology

Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke

Language: English

Pages: 304


Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Over half a century after the defeat of the Third Reich the complexities of Nazi ideology are still being unravelled. This text is a serious attempt to identify these ideological origins. It demonstrates the way in which Nazism was influenced by powerful occult and millenarian sects that thrived in Germany and Austria at the turn of the century. Their ideas and symbols filtered through to nationalist-racist groups associated with the infant Nazi party and their fantasies were played out with terrifying consequences in the Third Reich: Auschwitz, Sobibor and Treblinka are the hellish museums of the Nazi apocalypse. This bizarre and fascinating story contains lessons we cannot afford to ignore.

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1 463-94) and Giordano Bruno ( 1 548-1 600) in Italy, and Johann Reuchlin (1455-1522), Johann Trithemius (1462-15 16) and Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486-1535) in Germany. List claimed that their revival of neo-Platonist and hermetic-cabbalistic ideas marked an efflorescenceof the ancient national gnosis following the weakening of the Catholic stranglehold in medieval Europe.23List had already copied 'Aryan' magic sigils from the cryptographic works ofTrithemius and lauded Agrippa as an 'old A r r n.

Descended from the ancient tribe of the Wolsungen. This mysterious emissary from the distant past assured List that his rediscoveries concerning the Ario-Germanic past tallied with his own ancestral-clairvoyant memories. Tarnhari also confirmed the existence of the Amanenschaft: he claimed that he had been earlier reincarnated as a leading priest-king of the old elite." Although 84 THE GERMAN MILLENNIUM Tarnhari primarily vindicated the past pole of his fantasy, List regarded the appearance of.

World in which the divine will was once realized and which had been the source of all good until it was urider~ninedby a conspiracy of inferior, non-Germanic peoples, the Church, the capitalists, the Jews, the liberals, or whatever. This ideal world would be restored by a new aristocracy under a God-sent saviour who would fulfil the religious and political expectations of the oppressed. List drew upon the traditions of this obscure historical chiliasm by claiming that the reigns of Frederick IV.

Deutsche Wehrbuch [The G e n a n Defence Book] (19 12) and, on behalf of Heinrich Kraeger, who with Alfred Brunner founded the Deutsch-Sozialistische Partei in 1918, he issued the Semi-Goth and Semi-Alliancen, genealogical handbooks which purported to identify Jews amongst the German T H E OCCULT ROOTS O F NAZISM aristocracy. This project was not intended to discredit the nobility but to assist the 'cleansing' process inherent in so much anti-Semitic psychology. These handbooks appeared in.

Of the ancient Aryan religion. However, in 1933 the Society explicitly declared its adherence to the National Socialist world-view in a new memorandum.I5 The magazine Hag All All Hag remained principally concerned with the interpretation of Edda verse, mythology and ancient monuments with the runes acting as interpretative devices on the basis of their phonetic and numerical values. Bulow was particularly interested in the myths surrounding Odin, Brunhild, Gudrun, and Heimdall, but other.

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