The Human Brain Book

The Human Brain Book

Rita Carter

Language: English

Pages: 264

ISBN: 1465416021

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Combining the latest findings from neuroscience with new brain imaging techniques, as well as developments on infant brains, telepathy, and brain modification, this new edition of DK's The Human Brain Book covers brain anatomy, function, and disorders in unprecedented detail.

With its unique 22-page atlas, illustrated with MRI scans, and an interactive DVD, The Human Brain Book is a perfect resource for families, students, or anyone interested in human biology, anatomy, and neuroscience.

Clinical Neuroanatomy Made Ridiculously Simple

Computational Explorations in Cognitive Neuroscience: Understanding the Mind by Simulating the Brain

Networks of the Brain

Unbalanced: A View from the Vestibule Schizophrenia and Hyperattention


















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Life. As far as sex is concerned, humans engage in it whenever they wish, unlike most other species who undertake sex only when the female is ready to conceive. Therefore, sex has become disconnected from reproduction in humans. Romantic love, which is what many people mean by “love,” has a survival advantage because it promotes pair bonding—an ideal setting for the care and protection of young children. Friendship and social networks are also important for promoting health and well-being. We.

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