The Diaries of John Dee

The Diaries of John Dee

John Dee

Language: English

Pages: 383

ISBN: 095322130X

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Alchemist, astrologer, mystic and mathematician, John Dee was one of the most brilliant and controversial figures of the Elizabethan age. Now for the first time his private journals and spirit diaries are brought together in an accurate and readable version, compiled from the original manuscripts in the Bodleian Library and the British Museum. The reveal the soaring ambition of one who aspired to walk with God, and the extraordinary consequences of his quest for the key to all knowledge.

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His determination, as concerning the beginning, present being, and end of this world, is so reverent and holy, that 1 wonder why it is delivered to those that shall decay. 'This book (I say) shall tomorrow be finished, one thing excepted, which is the use thereo{5 unto the which the Lord hath appointed a day. 'See that all things be in a readiness against the first day of August next. Humble yourselves nine days. before. For why? The Lord hath sent his angels already to visit the earth, and to.

Neither are man nor woman. Therefore may those that are the eternal ministers of God in this proportion of sanctification take unto them the bodies of them both. 14 'Those also that are called filit£ and filit£ filiarum are all comprehended in me, and do attend upon true wisdom; which ifTritemius mark, he shall perceive that true wisdom is always painted with a woman's garment.' Ll: ~ concerning the Polandish Lord Albertus Laski, whom we are certified to be of God elected to govern him a people,.

And branches are many separations.' d: 'Because it hath been said that in the beginning of our country troubles we should be packing hence into his country, what token shall we have of that time approaching or at hand?' MADIMI: 'Your watchword is told you before: when it is said unto you MADIMI: d: " Venite", &c.' d: 'But (I beseech you) to be ready against that watchword hearing, what is to be done, as concerning our wives and children into his country?' MADIMI: 'Miraculous is thy care (0 God).

Prt£stantioribus quibusdam Naturt£ Virtutibus, which he had never seen before. 24 After this, with mutual courtesies offered on both parts (after the manner of the world) he took his horse and returned homeward. 29 Sept. Saturday. Die Sancti Micha::lis. Remember that this day (after noon) I sent Hugh on foot with my letters to Cracovia to Edmond, that my folk should not be out of quiet or afeared to see Mistress Kelly sent for and no letters to come from me, &c. I writ to the Lord Laski of our.

Time, but to make them indefinite. So he took the last, and I had the former letters back again. He went with them into the privy chamber. He said I should not need to send for the letters, but he would send them home by his man, and I went from him toward the Ambassador Don Gulielmo de Sancto Clemente, whom I found coming with the Ambassador of Spain (who came three or four days before, to give the Golden Fleece to the Emperor) 12 and the Marshal of the Court to go to the Emperor presently to.

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