The Devil's Notebook

The Devil's Notebook

Language: English

Pages: 147

ISBN: 0922915113

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Wisdom, humor, and dark observations by the founder of the Church of Satan. LaVey ponders such topics as nonconformity, occult faddism, erotic politics, the "Goodguy badge," demoralization and the construction of artificial human companions.

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Doesn't have to. There are plenty of followers who will advertise his existence for him, not to mention attesting to personal acquaintanceship. If you are a firstrate devil, others will do your advertising for you (whether you ask for it or not). 2) Never be fashionable; always be mysterious and enigmatic. Remember: man follows his gods, and his gods are never trendy. You never met a God who wanted to be one of the crowd. That's why it has been said that "The Lord works in mysterious ways." Or.

And feel the wholeness of that other realm to the exclusion of all other environments. Music is the most effective tool for evocation, as the entire body rhythm is helplessly taken up by the pattern of life associated with the musical selection. A meaningful idea never dies, nor does the emotional response generated by certain compositions. If enough people are inspired or moved by these compositions. If enough people are inspired or moved by these compositions, the selections become sonic.

More than small talk and games, is no waste of time to those so engaged. It is, in fact, necessary to their survival, for they would die of boredom otherwise. To the Maker, the archetype, the self-sustainer, human interaction is usually a waste of the most precious thing in his vital existence: time. Time is spent in "being liked" could better be devoted to liking being. It is easy for me to expand these attitudes. I do not search for a beloved, yet am loved by one who treads the stars. In.

Exactly one year. He had done this for 20 years, and the only reason he was ever seen was because the children held a maypole dance in the clearing at the edge of the wood. After the fifth year of regular appearances, he became an institution among the townspeople. In fact, it became a feature of the festivities to gather in wait for the hermit to make his appearance. Soo the hermit became the town's best-known celebrity, solely on the strength of his yearly appearance. On the 21st year he did.

Accountrements rarely discourage the faithful. The more grandiose the crusade, the more satisfied are their customers. The guilty are relieved of their guilts and inhibitions -especially in the more violent forms of religious ecstasy. What, it will be asked, is so terrible about such an arrangement? Nothing. Nothing but self-deceit. God and Jesus maketh the evil man good, the vicious man kind, the smitten man grateful, the victim happy. What would happen if those divine names were no longer.

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