The Dark Shore (Atlanteans)

The Dark Shore (Atlanteans)

Kevin Emerson

Language: English

Pages: 496

ISBN: 0062062832

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

The Dark Shore, the second novel in Kevin Emerson's Atlanteans series, continues the story of Owen Parker, one of the powerful descendants of the highly advanced Atlantean race. As School Library Journal says, "this fast-paced sequel to The Lost Code reads like a combination of Star Trek, Rick Riordan's The Lightning Thief, and Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games."

In this book, Owen, Lilly, and Leech have escaped Camp Eden, but the next step on their journey to find Atlantis and protect it from Paul and Project Elysium involves crossing the perilous wastelands of a wrecked planet. And unlike in EdenWest, where bloody truths were kept hidden beneath the surface, out here, the horrors live bright beneath the poisonous sun.

The Dark Shore combines sizzling romance, action, adventure, and powerful scenes of physical and emotional sacrifice in a way that is sure to satisfy lovers of dystopian fiction in the vein of the Maze Runner trilogy. The paperback includes extra content on "where science stops and fantasy starts" in the world of the series.

Slant (Queen of Angels, Book 4)

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The thawed black blood began to leak out the corners of her mouth now, to dribble onto her perfect white gown. That’s not my sister, I told myself. That’s a machine and it’s programmed to kill. I wanted to unsee her, to never know this, but I knew already that this image would haunt me forever. Her twitching arms grabbed the side of the pod, and she started to pull herself out. They were all getting out. Victoria could free people through death. But now Paul could raise the dead. “We have to.

Noticed a pair of shoes in the shadows. They were only in the corner of my eye for a second, but that was enough time to see that they were sneakers. . . . Small sneakers with bright pink ponies on them . . . Too small. I popped up, glancing over at Lucinda’s big, square feet in their bulky sandals. “What is it?” Harvey asked, but his eyes widened like he knew what I’d just realized. “Nothing,” I said. I tugged Lilly’s elbow and started to stand. “Just that we should go have that talk.” I.

Girl. Your sister of memory.” “Sounds like it,” I said. “Which means we need to go there,” said Lilly. She didn’t sound thrilled. “Unless we can find some other way to contact her.” “We should still go to the marker first,” said Leech. So he had been listening. “It’s important.” “As important as the third Atlantean?” I didn’t really mean that question to sound antagonistic, but it did. “Kinda, yeah,” said Leech. “That’s where my maps run out. I can’t see anything past it. I think we need to.

And the population, why would they be keeping it such a massive secret? Yes, that is pretty suspicious. What? Oh, right, What exactly is MY plan. We’re going to find the Paintbrush of the Gods ourselves and then decide what should be done. No matter what, we’ll protect it from EdenCorp. This craft? It’s mine. I know, cool, right? Yes, I can fly it. How? I learned from a dead kid named Lük, whose consciousness—well, technically his Qi-An life force—was trapped inside a crystal skull. So . . .

When it was something I didn’t want to know. I threw my arms around her. I remembered her taller, but we were the same height now, with the years that had passed. Now her chin buried in my shoulder, her frame smaller than mine, almost like I was the grown-up. Her hands rubbed up and down my back. And with my face in her hair I smelled her and that scent ignited inside me a deep feeling, wriggling like a fish being reeled up from somewhere down at the base of my spine, a feeling of familiarity.

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