The Blood Never Dried: A People's History of the British Empire

The Blood Never Dried: A People's History of the British Empire

Language: English

Pages: 304

ISBN: 1909026298

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Does for British history what Howard Zinn did for America - changes the viewpoint from the powerful and the aristocratic to that of the vast majority of the population.
















Public-private partnerships as a covert way of transferring state assets to business. New Labour has actually begun the privatisation of both the NHS and the state education system. Whereas once even the right wing of the Labour Party was committed to increasing social equality, the New Labour government has quite happily presided over increased social inequality. Moreover, under Blair there has been a revival of the sale of honours, knighthoods and peerages, on a scale not seen since the days of.

Century Jamaica emerged as the cornerstone of the system. By the 1790s Jamaica was producing more sugar than all the other British islands put together. In 1700 Jamaica exported 4,874 tons of sugar to Britain; by 1748 the figure had risen to 17,399, and by 1815 to 73,849 tons. The enterprise sucked in slave labour. British participation in the Atlantic slave trade is arguably the worst crime in British history. Estimates of the numbers shipped to the Americas by all the slave-trading countries.

Friend of small nations”.17 The Labour Party could never get it quite right. The British government found itself in an increasingly difficult position in 1921. It was trying to force devolution, limited self-government, on a people that had decisively rejected it in favour of independence. Coercion had so far failed to bring the Irish to “their senses”, and to continue down that road to the imposition of a martial law regime was clearly incompatible with self-government of any kind. Executing.

Embassy’s spokesman in the cabinet over this and other issues. Attlee made the position clear: “It was…the general view of the cabinet that, in the light of the United States’ attitude…force could not be used to hold the refinery and maintain British employees of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company in Abadan. We could not afford to break with the United States on an issue of this kind”.12 With the occupation of Abadan ruled out, the British were forced to evacuate the country in a humiliating and.

To pour reinforcements into Surabaya. On 9 November, General E C Mansergh demanded the immediate surrender of the city and at 6am the next morning ordered an all-out attack. Against ferocious opposition, British and Indian troops fought their way into the city. They were assisted by a tremendous artillery and naval bombardment that devastated large areas and killed many civilians. Two cruisers and three destroyers shelled the city. Mosquito and Thunderbolt warplanes bombed and strafed targets.

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