The Arms of Krupp: The Rise and Fall of the Industrial Dynasty That Armed Germany at War

The Arms of Krupp: The Rise and Fall of the Industrial Dynasty That Armed Germany at War

William Manchester

Language: English

Pages: 992

ISBN: 0316529400

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

The Krupp family were the premier German arms manufacturers from the middle of the 19th century until the end of World War II, producing artillery pieces and submarines that set the standard for effectiveness. This book relates the history of this influential company.

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That there should be friendly relations between the works and the state. I have made provisions for insuring that the works shall continue to remain in the future in the hands of my family; I have bought mines for ninety-nine years in the hope that this will be so for at least that period. B u t when views of this sort are held, and that by the man who is supposed to be our next W ar Minister (at this S.M . was greatly taken aback) how can that be hoped for? I am not conscious of having given.

Genuinely rural. T h ick stands of forest separate the outlying towns. Meadows appear, inhabited by cattle. Between Herne and Liinen, above Dortmund, are flourishing estates owned by W estphalia’s landed aristocracy. Tisis soil is rich in more than minerals. Before the Ruhr became an industrial gem it was an agricultural gem, and the banks of the river itself are lined with iridescent shoulders of swaying foliage. ANVIL OF THE REICH 19 Indeed, so blessed is the Ruhr that its violent history.

Door, and lie down, sometimes for weeks at a time. He had learned at his father's inert knee that the bedroom door was an excellent escape hatch. B u t although Alfred was his parents' son, he was not a carbon of them. R eally he was sui generis, a true maverick — restless, brilliant, imaginative, tormented, farsighted, and, despite some rather extraordinary eccentrici­ ties, supremely practical. He comes very close to that stock character in Victorian three-deckers, the mad genius, if he wasn’t.

Of the family, had just been killed in action in Italy. Now, at Blühnbach with Gustav, Bertha was reduced to the role of practical nurse, a handler of bedpans. Götterdämmerung was not only turning out to be worse than advertised; it was also vastly more vulgar.8 “ Ach, m ein G o tt!” the wintry figure on the bed would croak. “ Bertha! Berthold!” Sw iftly they attended him. A distant door would slam, and he would rage, “ D onnerw etter! H im m el! V erfault, verdammt, geistesschwach!" — for in the.

It would be doubly unjust to employ other works, which have done nothing toward the creation of the cast steel gun, and which merely imitate what they have found out by fair means or foul, and on whose soil seed would be sown that is mine.” Judged from “ a commercial point of view,” he insisted, “ the gunmaker must be a spendthrift; he must make only the best, regardless of cost.” Krupp concluded with an appeal in behalf of his own future and THE BEST IS GAS 17 1 at of the Germ an Reich : “ I.

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