The Apparatus of Death (The Third Reich)

The Apparatus of Death (The Third Reich)

Language: English

Pages: 190

ISBN: 0809470047

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

"The Apparatus of Death" is a volume in the Time-Life Third Reich series. This is an excellent book for people who are wanting to gain a greater understanding not only of the Holocaust but also the social and societal conditions that created the capacity for such a thing to occur.

The Type VII U-Boat (Anatomy of the Ship)

Metz 1944: Patton's fortified nemesis (Campaign, Volume 242)

Hitler and the Nazis: A History in Documents

Empire Lost: Britain, the Dominions and the Second World War

December 1941: 31 Days that Changed America and Saved the World

The Rhineland 1945: The Last Killing Ground in the West (Campaign, Volume 74)




















Civilian lives; their number also included a physician and a professional opera singer. Most were ambitious men in their thirties who had already enjoyed considerable professional success. Nothing in their backgrounds suggested Police, sociopathic or criminal tendencies. Otto Ohlendorf, satzgruppe D, was typical. Widely regarded as an commander intellectual, of Ein- he was a tall, handsome thirty-four-year-old lawyer who held advanced degrees in economics and jurisprudence. Years later, he.

Thousands of Jews fleeing the pogroms of eastern Europe around the turn of the twentieth century, Germany seemed a haven declaration that "finally, after years of waiting in vain, a safe harbor." And to German Jews, flourishing in business, science, and other professions now fully open to them for the first time, became the most assimilated of all European Jews. After Germany went to war in 1914, close to 15 percent indeed. Jews proudly rallied to the colors in defense of the kaiser and his.

The fledgling Fiihrer pragmatically perceived the 15 (D need [D for an all-purpose enemy to provide a focus for his political struggle. His reading of the history of revolutions, Hitler told a German journalist in 1922, had taught him to look around for a "lightning rod that could conduct and channel the odium of the general masses." That age-old target, the Jew, became the lightning rod, and hatred of him the incandescent center of Hitler's National Socialist party philosophy. and.

Bilderdienst, Munich. 163: National Archives, courtesy United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, D.C. 166: Secretariat d'Etat Charge des Anciens Combattants et des Victimes de Guerre, Mission Permanente — — aux Commemorations et a I'lnformation Historique. 167: Siiddeutscher Verlag Bilderdienst, Munich. 168: Archives du Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine, Paris. 169: Main Commission for Warsaw. 171: Investigation of Nazi Crimes, Photograph by Arnold Kramer, ® 1991.

Policy of dehumanization 190 W Walter, Bemhard: photographs of Birkenau by, 140-149 to gas chamber at Birkenau, 1 76 in, 106, 123-124; inmate resistance and revolt at, 124, 128-129; Lazarett section, 112, 117; depot at, 116-117 Trewniki concentration camp: map 33 Turkey: assistance to Hungarian Jews, train 174 of and 108; disease, starvation, death in ghetto, 36-37, T-4 (euthanasia program): 39, 102, 104, 112 Theater of Military Operations on eastern front, 82.

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