Routledge Handbook of European Sociology (Routledge International Handbooks)

Routledge Handbook of European Sociology (Routledge International Handbooks)

Language: English

Pages: 739

ISBN: 0415588804

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

The Routledge Handbook of European Sociology explores the main aspects of the work and scholarship of European sociologists during the last sixty years (1950-2010), a period that has shaped the methods and identity of the sociological craft. European social theory has produced a vast constellation of theoretical landscapes with a far reaching impact. At the same time there has been diversity and fragmentation, the influence of American sociology, and the effect of social practice and transformations. The guiding question is: does European Sociology really exist today, and if the answer is positive, what does this really mean?

Divided into four parts, the Handbook investigates:
• intellectual and institutional settings
• regional variations
• thematic variations
• European concerns.

The Handbook will provides a set of state-of-the-art accounts that break new ground, each contribution teasing out the distinctively European features of the sociological theme it explores. It will be of interest to students and scholars across the social sciences and humanities.

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Safety and cost-effectiveness of health technology stimulated the development of Technology Assessment methodologies. As a result, in the 1980s and 1990s a series of new regulatory agencies was established in most European countries to supervise the marketing and utilization by healthcare workers of a large array of products. One area under sharp scrutiny was reproductive medicine. At the same time, in the 1990s the development of genetic engineering led to the emergence of a booming sector of.

Climate change, however, has manifested several unprecedented and fascinating features. An innovative form of organisation has been created in order to foster the production of more authoritative information and to identify appropriate policy responses – the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The panel is multidisciplinary with its thousands of unpaid members drawn from the social as well as natural sciences, while its periodic assessment reports are subject to review by.

European mobility and the silence of social theory Already a long time ago, the sociology of knowledge has argued that the attribution of scientific significance to a given object is hardly ever a matter of the objective features of the phenomenon itself. Scientific actors do claim what they study is self-obviously significant, that they have selected it according to some objective criteria. Nearly all applications for research funding on migration issues in Europe starts quoting some of the.

Stratification research in Germany was firmly rooted in the Marxist idea that there is a dichotomous opposition between a property-owning bourgeoisie and a property-less proletariat. Even many of those who were critical of Marxist political economy and the politics of the KPD and SPD took over the general conception of class that Karl Marx had derived, in part, from the earlier work of Lorenz von Stein (1850). This was, for example, the view that Max Weber had summarised in his intended.

Advocated a ‘public sociology’, or Flyvbjerg (2001), who called for a ‘sociology that matters’. Another strength of Dutch sociology is the significance of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary cooperation. Much contemporary sociological research draws on the theories and methods of other disciplines. There are obvious links between sociology and the other behavioural and social sciences when considering the former’s classical problems, that is, social cohesion (e.g. political science, public.

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