Rockstar Icon Designer

Rockstar Icon Designer

Kate McInnes

Language: English

Pages: 111

ISBN: 2:00096436

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

In this comprehensive book, veteran icon designer Kate McInnes takes you through the history, theory and practice of icon design.

In this book Kate shares with you her experience and expertise by covering everything from the history and theory of icon design, to best practices and methods.

She’ll also take you through the whole process of creating your own icon set, and walk you through actual tutorial exercises where you’ll design icons from scratch.

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Icons within the Windows operating system. An .ICL file can be used to replace common Windows interface icons such as folders, desktop shortcuts and default documents. To implement icons from an .ICL file, go to the properties dialogue of the icon you would like to change and chose “Change Icon” from the options. You can then navigate to the .ICL you want to use and view the icons stored within. Once you find an icon you would like to use, select it and click OK. Icon Libraries are extremely.

Visualize the canvas space for each design. Working like this will help balance the designs when they appear next to one another. Use as much of the space as possible while keeping the elements to a minimum. Remember that this style of icon is commonly viewed at smaller scales. Choose a color palette before you begin to render the final designs. The use of a color palette will help to tie the designs together, if you chose the colors as you work the icons may gradually change and you will end.

Guides Adobe Illustrator lets you set any line that you draw as a guide line. This is especially useful when you need to draw perspective. Remember that we're drawing what I like to call, “Icon Style Isometric Projection” at 26.56 degrees, rather than the traditional 30 degree isometric projection. Select the Line Segment tool (backslash) and Alt + Click onto the artboard, this will open a dialogue box where you can input the line settings. Set a length that's larger than the width of the.

Easier to create derivative works. So the icon sets we have are also asset libraries we can re-use easily. Another benefit is that SVG is pretty easily parseable so even a rookie script author can do some basic transformations, toggling visibility of layers, re-coloring, compositing, etc. KM On the topic of icon scales, it's reported that Mac OS Lion will have a maximum icon size of 1024px. Obviously this is going to cause more than a few headaches for designers. Are there any plans to increase.

Is shaping the way consumers expect to navigate programs and applications. It may also be a reflection of the kind of designs to be expected in the future. In fact Mac OS X Lion, the most recent Macintosh Operating system, has integrated touchpad interactivity with the traditional desktop interface and early trade previews of Windows 8 reflect the same kind of changes with Microsoft. Windows 8 will dramatically change the Windows user experience with a dashboard style interface with integration.

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