Rejuvenating the Sun and Avoiding Other Global Catastrophes (Astronomers' Universe)

Rejuvenating the Sun and Avoiding Other Global Catastrophes (Astronomers' Universe)

Martin Beech

Language: English

Pages: 228

ISBN: 0387681280

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Canadian academic Martin Beech has written a text that attempts to cross the line between science fiction and science fact. Put simply, his book details a method that just might be able to stop the Sun from losing its power and, ultimately, save humanity and the Earth itself. It investigates the idea that the distant future evolution of our Sun might be controlled (or ‘asteroengineered’) so that it maintains its present-day energy output rather than becoming a bloated red giant star: a process that would destroy all life on Earth.

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Massive girth something like 1.4 x 1030 kg of hydrogen (and about 0.589 x 1030 kg of material other than hydrogen)—a seemingly endless supply of fuel, but for an ever energy hungry Sun it is not enough. It can never be enough. One day the hydrogen within its core will all be gone, transformed into energy and an ‘ash’ of helium. This is deep time, some 5 billion years from now, when the demon will be born: a roaring cuckoo-child that will grow into a bloated red giant. The time that it takes a.

Concussion of sonic booms, are asteroid fragments, and it is by collecting these small fragments that we have learned about the processes by which our Solar System formed. The chances of an individual being struck by a meteorite are (luckily) very slim. Certainly, a few people have been bruised by meteorites throughout recorded history, but as far as reliable sources go, no one has ever been killed by a meteorite strike.3 The main belt asteroids are not a direct threat to Earth. The simple reason.

The planet is about 1.5 times larger than the Earth (five times more massive) and orbits Gliese 581 in just under 13 days. Although located very close to Gliese 581 (at a distance of 0.07 AU) the planet is nonetheless in the system’s habitability zone, and Stephane Udry, of the Geneva Observatory, and co-workers have recently suggested that the planet might have regions where surface water could exist. Even though the system is estimated to be some 4.3 billion years old, it is unlikely that the.

Terrestrial planets in such a fashion that Solar System stability is maintained and unwanted collisions do not occur. The Korycansky scheme, as currently outlined, would require about a million close Earth flybys by a ∼100-km diameter object; one slip, and Earth is sterilized as effectively as not increasing Earth’s orbit at all. With this possibility of catastrophic disaster in mind, Colin McIness has suggested23 that a large reflective sail (Figure 4.5), suitably stabilized near Earth, could be.

Be extended, however, along the lines of the Bussard Sun Ramscoop Hyperbolic trajectory Passage through Sun’s outer atmosphere Direction of motion Ramscoop H and He ‘exhaust’ H, He & ‘metals’ Swept up atmospheric gas Storage area for extracted ‘metals’ Radius of gyration Magnetic field line RL Figure 5.4. Solar-mining by the ramscoop method. The ramscoop is accelerated to skim through the Sun’s outer atmosphere (upper figure). Ionized material entering the ramscoop’s mouth will interact.

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