R. G. Collingwood: An Autobiography and Other Writings: with essays on Collingwood's life and work

R. G. Collingwood: An Autobiography and Other Writings: with essays on Collingwood's life and work

David Boucher

Language: English

Pages: 640

ISBN: 0199586039

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

This volume presents a many-faceted view of the Oxford philosopher R. G. Collingwood. At its centre is his Autobiography, published in 1939, which has the status of a cult classic for its compelling "story of his thought." Collingwood's work has enjoyed renewed attention in recent years, with new editions of his great philosophical works. This volume republishes the Autobiography alongside a previously unpublished account by Collingwood of a journey to the East Indies in 1938-1939. These writings are accompanied by eleven specially written essays. Several of these examine aspects of Collingwood's life--not just the Autobiography, but what he doesn't discuss in that work, from his childhood to his professorship at Oxford. And the essays also examine aspects of his work on philosophy, politics, history, and archaeology, in the context of his life.

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A registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries Writings by R. G. Collingwood © Teresa Smith 2013; other writings © the several contributors 2013. Illustrations © Teresa Smith 2013 except where otherwise noted. The moral rights of the authors have been asserted First Edition published in 2013 Impression: 1 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,.

Was working on, and that he departed in some of his conclusions from his associates and mentors; he tells us of the events that led to changes in interest from, for example, researches into Italian and Spanish life, to a detailed study of the classic writers in economics inspired by Labriola’s gift of his first essay on the materialist conception of history. Croce tells us that he read it and reread it: ‘I felt my whole mind burst into flame. New thoughts and problems took root in my spirit and.

In conduct in order to act better (A, 47). Prichard contended that moral philosophy was purely theoretical, focusing upon the workings of the moral consciousness, without interfering with its practice, and Russell had jettisoned ethics from the body of philosophy. The implication was fundamental. The generation of students brought up on Greenian idealism had been taught that clear philosophical thinking is essential to informing and improving conduct, whereas those exposed to realism were told.

Viewed as something of an aberration, an ill-tempered attack on modern politics, out of temper with the rest of the book. This was certainly how it was viewed, as we saw, by some of the Delegates of Oxford University Press. Collingwood had removed from the final chapter references to treason and insufficiently evidenced remarks on the activities of Spanish fascist troops. By the time Sisam received the corrected proofs and the substantially rewritten last chapter, Collingwood’s views on British.

Fellow in the School of Humanities at the University of Bristol. He is co-editor with David Boucher and Wendy James of R. G. Collingwood’s The Philosophy of Enchantment (Clarendon Press, 2005). His most recent monograph, Critical Occasions: Dryden, Pope, Johnson, and the History of Criticism, was published in 2011 by AMS Press. Teresa Smith is R. G. Collingwood’s daughter by his second wife, Kate Collingwood, and literary executor to R. G. Collingwood and his father W. G. Collingwood. After.

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