Programming PHP

Programming PHP

Kevin Tatroe

Language: English

Pages: 540

ISBN: 1449392776

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

This updated edition teaches everything you need to know to create effective web applications with the latest features in PHP 5.x. You’ll start with the big picture and then dive into language syntax, programming techniques, and other details, using examples that illustrate both correct usage and common idioms.

If you have a working knowledge of HTML, the authors’ many style tips and practical programming advice will help you become a top-notch PHP programmer.

  • Get an overview of what’s possible with PHP programs
  • Learn language fundamentals, including data types, variables, operators, and flow control statements
  • Understand functions, strings, arrays, and objects
  • Apply common web application techniques, such as form processing, data validation, session tracking, and cookies
  • Interact with relational databases like MySQL or NoSQL databases such as MongoDB
  • Generate dynamic images, create PDF files, and parse XML files
  • Learn secure scripts, error handling, performance tuning, and other advanced topics
  • Get a quick reference to PHP core functions and standard extensions

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Values are converted into numeric values by the rules described in the section “Casting Operators” on page 43. The arithmetic operators are: Addition (+) The result of the addition operator is the sum of the two operands. Subtraction (−) The result of the subtraction operator is the difference between the two operands —i.e., the value of the second operand subtracted from the first. Multiplication (*) The result of the multiplication operator is the product of the two operands. For example, 3 * 4.

Jane's eyes flashed.<p> Entity-quoting only HTML syntax characters The htmlspecialchars() function converts the smallest set of entities possible to generate valid HTML. The following entities are converted: • Ampersands (&) are converted to & • Double quotes (") are converted to " Encoding and Escaping | 87 • Single quotes (') are converted to ' (if ENT_QUOTES is on, as described for htmlentities()) • Less-than signs (<) are converted to < • Greater-than signs (>) are.

Between the elements of the second argument, array. To reconstruct the simple comma-separated value string, simply say: $fields = array('Fred', '25', 'Wilma'); $string = implode(',', $fields); // $string is 'Fred,25,Wilma' The join() function is an alias for implode(). Tokenizing The strtok() function lets you iterate through a string, getting a new chunk (token) each time. The first time you call it, you need to pass two arguments: the string to iterate over and the token separator. For.

Windows such as COM. Chapter 15, Web Services Provides techniques for creating a modern web services API via PHP, and for connecting with web services APIs on other systems. Chapter 16, Debugging PHP Discusses techniques for debugging PHP code and for writing debuggable PHP code. Chapter 17, Dates and Times Talks about PHP’s built-in classes for dealing with dates and times. Appendix A handy quick reference to all core functions in PHP. Conventions Used in This Book The following typographical.

Preg_match() function captures at most 99 subpatterns; subpatterns after the 99th are ignored. Trailing Options Perl-style regular expressions let you put single-letter options (flags) after the regular expression pattern to modify the interpretation, or behavior, of the match. For instance, to match case-insensitively, simply use the i flag: preg_match("/cat/i", "Stop, Catherine!"); // returns true Table 4-10 shows the modifiers from Perl that are supported in Perl-compatible regular.

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