Practical Research Methods

Practical Research Methods

Catherine Dawson

Language: English

Pages: 168

ISBN: 1857038290

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

For anyone who has to conduct a research project and does not have time to wade through complicated research textbooks, this up-to-date handbook explains technical jargon in a concise way and includes practical examples to illustrate the issues raised.

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Research proposal, or final report. A useful way to organise your background research is to have two files – one for primary research and one for secondary research. Each file can be divided into topics with the relevant notes slotted into each. Primary research For the primary research file, notes from each contact can be separated by a contact sheet which gives the name of the person, the date and time you met and a contact number or address. Secondary research In the secondary research file, each.

Intend to contact. Instead you continue using your chosen procedure such as snowballing or theoretical sampling until a ‘saturation point’ is reached. This was a term used by Glaser and Strauss (1967) to describe that time of your research when you really do think that everything is complete and that you’re not obtaining any new information by continuing. In your written report you can then describe your sampling procedure, including a description of how many people were contacted. SUMMARY X If.

Conduct another interview until he felt that his analysis, and his understanding, were complete. 118 / P R A C T I C A L R E S E A R C H M E T H O D S Content analysis For those types of analyses at the other end of the qualitative data continuum, the process is much more mechanical with the analysis being left until the data has been collected. Perhaps the most common method of doing this is to code by content. This is called content analysis. Using this method the researcher systematically.

Also found that many other issues were being discussed which she had not thought about previously, such as peer pressure and distance from home. As each new issue was mentioned, she ascribed another code and went back to previous tran- H O W T O A N A L Y S E Y O U R D A T A / 119 scripts to see if it had arisen but had been missed during the initial analysis. Although she had to return to the transcripts many times, this meant that by the end of the process Tina had completed a thorough.

Others towards quantitative research. For example, if you have written ‘how many’, ‘test’, ‘verify’, ‘how often’ or ‘how satisfied’, this suggests a leaning towards quantitative research. If you have written words such as ‘discover’, ‘motivation’, ‘experiences’, ‘think/thoughts’, ‘problems’, or ‘behave/behaviour’, this suggests a leaning towards qualitative research. However, you may find that you have written a combination of these words which could mean two things. Firstly, you might want to.

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