Home Energy Savings
Like every homeowner like you wants to know how to keep your bills in manageable and acceptable digits, there are systems specially designed to answer this. Systems guaranteed to make your bills and worries lower. Let us start from: Insulating- As we all know that clothes keep our body warm by trapping the body heat inside, similarly the same principle goes with keeping the house warm in winter. Keeping the house tightly insulated is the best thing but not always the easiest thing to do. Any gap left around the wall enclosure will deteriorate the quality of the insulation i.e. around electrical ...

Save Money With An Energy Audit
Each month your electricity bills give you a shock? And you always think of keeping a close check on electricity usage? It's quite simple if you really want to 'audit' your electricity expenses. Similar to an official audit, your home energy audit will give you a clear understanding of the usage per appliance, the peak hours of electricity consumption and cost-benefit analysis. Ultimately you'll be in a better position to take control of your monthly bill. Once you get to know the consumption pattern, you'll be able to take corrective actions that will not only reduce unnecessary electricity usage but ...
Use Bricks, Save Energy
If you are thinking about building your house or renovating it, consider the savings you can ensure by making some design changes in your house. Be sure to make the right decision regarding building material that can ease your life in future. Lightweight construction material can contribute greatly to your monthly electricity bill. How? Extreme weather conditions require indoor adjustment of temperature that result in installation of multiple cooling units and electric heaters. Ultimately your monthly bills go up. In various parts of the world, houses are built with bricks instead of wood that not only save forests from depletion but ...

Energy Efficiency
Eco-Friendly Energy ResourcesWith the rapid development of modern technologies, man has become more and more dependent...
Energy Consumption in HousesThe situation is alarming if your electric bills are getting higher after every....
Don’t Spend too Much on Electricity!Modern era has really provided us the luxuries and comforts that our ancestors can...
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Home Energy UtilizationToday, “Expensive” is one of the appropriate words used by people to...
Save Money With An Energy AuditEach month your electricity bills give you a shock? And you always think of keeping...
Use Bricks, Save EnergyIf you are thinking about building your house or renovating it, consider the savings...
Read More Posts From This CategoryEnergy Efficiency Info
Home Energy SavingsLike every homeowner like you wants to know how to keep your bills in manageable and acceptable digits, there are systems specially designed to answer this. Systems guaranteed to make your bills and worries lower. Let us start from: Insulating- As we all know that clothes keep our body warm by trapping the body heat inside, similarly the same principle... [Read more of this article]
Energy Saving TipsYou often hear yourself crying out when the electricity bill with its fat numbers are looking back at you with its units confirming that yes it was you who raised them. No matter then how much you earn you may still want to cut out on things that eat out a major part of your salary and what can be the best way to start them? Yes, your electricity bills! All... [Read more of this article]
Home Rating is BeneficialEveryone wants his life full of joy and comfort and home is the place where love and happiness prosper. It is heaven on earth. One would not like to sacrifice this love, happiness and peace just at the cost of rising electricity price and energy consumption demand. It is also note worthy that, when there is a necessity of home, home energy appliances... [Read more of this article]
Purpose of Solar EnergySolar energy is very simple term and you can easily understand the meaning of this word. Sun generates energy and we use that energy in performing different task. The energy generated by sun is known as solar energy. It is not harmful and the equipment which used solar energy for performing different task is very environment friendly. They have no... [Read more of this article]
Save Energy and Money Through Energy Saving DevicesOn one hand electric appliances make life comfortable and smooth while on the other hand continuous increase in electricity bill make it vulnerable. Electricity bill is increasing with increasing number of units. People want solution to the problems; they want the ways to get out of this curse. They want the ways to lower electricity bills with optimum... [Read more of this article]
Save Home EnergyHome provides us shelter and protects us from unkindness of weather. It safeguards us from natural hazards such as storms, cyclones, rain and sun. Home is a place where love and kindness prosper. Everyone wants that his home should not only be durable and sturdy but also saves him from clod and hot weather. He wants his home should be warm during winter... [Read more of this article]
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