Operating Systems: A Spiral Approach

Operating Systems: A Spiral Approach

Ramez Elmasri

Language: English

Pages: 544

ISBN: 0072449810

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Elmasri, Levine, and Carrick's "spiral approach" to teaching operating systems develops student understanding of various OS components early on and helps students approach the more difficult aspects of operating systems with confidence. While operating systems have changed dramatically over the years, most OS books use a linear approach that covers each individual OS component in depth, which is difficult for students to follow and requires instructors to constantly put materials in context.

Elmasri, Levine, and Carrick do things differently by following an integrative or "spiral" approach to explaining operating systems. The spiral approach alleviates the need for an instructor to "jump ahead" when explaining processes by helping students "completely" understand a simple, working, functional system as a whole in the very beginning. This is more effective pedagogically, and it inspires students to continue exploring more advanced concepts with confidence.

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Mechanism allowed only the LWPs bound to that application to be run on that CPU (or CPUs). However, beginning with Solaris release 8 this elaborate mechanism was being phased out. The OS designers at Sun determined that all this mechanism is not worth the trouble. Probably as a reflection of the continuing decrease in the cost of memory, this complex model is being gradually withdrawn. A new alternative thread library called the T2 library has been created. It supports only the one-to-one model.

Additional OS mechanisms to support them, most notably the idea of CPU abstraction and a process control block. PDAs and cell phone systems usually do not have secondary storage devices, but they still have the concept of a file system because the metaphor is so familiar to application programmers. They do have a GUI, but the use of the screen is limited by its very small size. We discuss the impact these two restrictions had on the design of the OS. The OS series discussed in Chapter 5.

(particularly of sharing data) and the issues of security. Naturally, most cluster administrators are very wary of allowing direct contact with a node in the cluster they are allowing remote access to. Grid systems have potentially long network delays, so usually grid services are elm49810_ch07_127-148.indd 141 12/11/08 5:25:22 PM Confirming Pages 142 Part 2 Building Operating Systems Incrementally: A Breadth-Oriented Spiral Approach provided by batch-like, noninteractive servers. New.

Genomics research. One of these projects, a biomolecular simulator called Blue Matter, simulates modest-size systems (10,000–100,000 atoms) for long time scales (hundreds of nanoseconds to a few microseconds). Using 4,096 processors on Blue Gene/L, a 43,000 atom membrane protein system ran for a simulated time of one microsecond in a wall clock time of slightly less than two months. 7.6.4 Volunteer computing clusters The goal of using processor cycles that would otherwise be wasted has appealed.

Movements is presented to the application programmer. This is the higher-level system view mentioned earlier. And to complete these views a bit let us return to the system’s view, Which application gets this mouse movement if there are multiple open windows? The mouse movements may need to be queued up if there are multiple movements before the application retrieves them. The movements may even be lost if the OS is busy doing other things—for example, loading a Web page through a network.

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