Linux in a Nutshell

Linux in a Nutshell

Robert Love

Language: English

Pages: 944

ISBN: 0596154488

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Everything you need to know about Linux is in this book. Written by Stephen Figgins, Ellen Siever, Robert Love, and Arnold Robbins -- people with years of active participation in the Linux community -- Linux in a Nutshell, Sixth Edition, thoroughly covers programming tools, system and network administration tools, the shell, editors, and LILO and GRUB boot loaders.

This updated edition offers a tighter focus on Linux system essentials, as well as more coverage of new capabilities such as virtualization, wireless network management, and revision control with git. It also highlights the most important options for using the vast number of Linux commands. You'll find many helpful new tips and techniques in this reference, whether you're new to this operating system or have been using it for years.

  • Get the Linux commands for system administration and network management
  • Use hundreds of the most important shell commands available on Linux
  • Understand the Bash shell command-line interpreter
  • Search and process text with regular expressions
  • Manage your servers via virtualization with Xen and VMware
  • Use the Emacs text editor and development environment, as well as the vi, ex, and vim text-manipulation tools
  • Process text files with the sed editor and the gawk programming language
  • Manage source code with Subversion and git

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System administration command. sendmail is a mail transfer agent (MTA) or, more simply, a mail router. It accepts mail from a user's mail program, interprets the mail address, rewrites the address into the proper form for the delivery program, and routes the mail to the correct delivery program. Command-line flags -- End of options marker. Only addresses should follow this option. -Ac Use local submission configuration file /etc/mail/, even when no mail is sent from the command.

And the entire name is put in parentheses. For example, the first partition of the first drive, /dev/hda1, is known as (hd0,0) to GRUB, and the third partition of the second drive is (hd1,2). GRUB makes no distinction between drive types; thus the first drive is hd0 regardless of whether it is IDE, SCSI, or SATA. Files are specified either by the filename or by blocklist, which is used to specify files such as chainloaders that aren't part of a filesystem. A filename looks like a standard Unix.

To force the result to print. { } Use to group statements. [ ] Indicate array index. "text" Use as a statement to print text. Examples Note in these examples that when you type some quantity (a number or expression), it is evaluated and printed, but assignment statements produce no display. ibase = 8 Octal input 20 Evaluate this octal number 16 Terminal displays decimal value obase = 2 Display output in base 2 instead of base 10 20 Octal input 10000 Terminal now displays.

Default), posix-awk, posix-basic, posix-egrep, and posix-extended. -size n[u] Find files containing n blocks. If u, is specified, measure size in one of the following units: b (512-byte blocks), c (bytes), k (kilobytes), G (gigabytes), M (megabytes), or w (two-byte words). -true Return true for each file encountered. -type c Find files whose type is c. c can be b (block special file), c (character special file), d (directory), p (fifo or named pipe), l (symbolic link), s (socket), or.

Servers and wish to close all idle connections, add the -a flag. command cmd args Execute the specified lftp command, with the specified arguments, ignoring any aliases created with the alias command. mirror [options] [remotedir [localdir]] Copy a directory exactly. The mirror command accepts the following arguments: -c, --continue If mirroring was interrupted, resume it. -e, --delete Delete local files that are not present at the remote site. -s, --allow-suid Keep.

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