Jews Against Themselves

Jews Against Themselves

Language: English

Pages: 178

ISBN: 1412856825

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

This volume features powerful essays by Edward Alexander on the phenomenon of anti-Zionism on the part of the Jewish intelligentsia. It also analyzes the explosive growth of traditional anti-Semitism, especially in Europe, among intellectuals and Muslims. Alexander notes that anti-Zionism has established a presence even in Israel, where it frequently takes the form of intellectuals sympathizing with their country’s enemies and perversely apologizing for their own existence.

Alexander begins with an examination of the origins of Jewish self-hatred in nineteenth-century Europe. He then explores the mindset of disaffected Jews in reacting, or failing to react, to the two events that shape modern Jewry: the Holocaust and the founding of the State of Israel.

The book concludes with a focus on contemporary anti-Zionism, including three essays about the role played by Jews in the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Movement to expel Israel from the family of nations. A final essay addresses the need for American Jews to decide whether they are going to judge Judaism by the standards of The New York Times or The New York Times by the standards of Judaism.

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Right, and Israel—with its archaic Right of Return and Jewish State—permanently in the wrong.” Of course, O’Brien adds, Muslim spokesmen who appeal to Enlightenment principles “are engaging in double-talk, masking the realities of what is fundamentally, on both sides, a religious-nationalist culture conflict.” He notes that the terrorist group Fatah, whose spokesmen repeat “secular democratic state” with the regularity of a steam engine, is an organization whose name means the opening of a.

Know; yet its freight has been put to many uses, especially under the noose of successive creedal tyrannies. Inevitably … it returns us to the theme of defamation. The apostate is one who defames—if not his origins explicitly, then his living counterparts, the people to whom he was born.… The notion of apostasy still holds. But its meaning has been curiously reversed. The Nicholas Donins and Pablo Christianis of ages past ran to abandon their Jewish ties even as they subverted them. The Nicholas.

Israel for its manifold sins, and call for the dismantling of the very state upon which their identity rests. A third, perhaps more subtle form of identity creation via anti-Zionism is what might be called “the new Diasporism.” It flourishes mainly among writers and scholars, including those in Jewish Studies who certainly can read the alef-beys. Ironically, this academic specialty, very much like Soviet Jewry’s awareness of and yearning for Israel, came into being in large part because of the.

Looks at Jews.”2 In 2005 Jacqueline Rose, who appears in The Finkler Question as Tamara Krausz (for whom Zionism is a Coleridgean “demon lover” [230] and she its psychoanalyst), “appalled at what the Israeli nation perpetrated in my name,” expressed the wish to live “in a world in which we did not have to be ashamed of shame” and looked forward to curing her shame-sickness by destroying its cause: Israel.3 When, in the novel, she reaches the point of endorsing the old Christian belief that male.

Apartheid South Africa. In other words, the Englishman might relax his boycotting principles if his ideological prejudices could be satisfied. Exactly what happened at this point is not easy to discover. Since Yiftachel is one of those Israeli academics who adheres to the motto “the other country, right or wrong,” it is hard to believe he would balk at describing Israel as an apartheid state. He had in the past denounced Israeli governments as racist or dictatorial and had coauthored with Ghanem.

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