Introduction to the Theory of Computation

Introduction to the Theory of Computation

Michael Sipser

Language: English

Pages: 480

ISBN: 113318779X

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Gain a clear understanding of even the most complex, highly theoretical computational theory topics in the approachable presentation found only in the market-leading INTRODUCTION TO THE THEORY OF COMPUTATION, 3E. The number one choice for today's computational theory course, this revision continues the book's well-know, approachable style with timely revisions, additional practice, and more memorable examples in key areas. A new first-of-its-kind theoretical treatment of deterministic context-free languages is ideal for a better understanding of parsing and LR(k) grammars. You gain a solid understanding of the fundamental mathematical properties of computer hardware, software, and applications with a blend of practical and philosophical coverage and mathematical treatments, including advanced theorems and proofs. INTRODUCTION TO THE THEORY OF COMPUTATION, 3E's comprehensive coverage makes this a valuable reference for your continued studies in theoretical computing.

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Contains at least one and an even number of Osfollowthe last or equivalently, 1}. M1 recognizesA.) EXAMPLESOF FINITEAUTOMATA) EXA M PLE 1 ..... ................ ........................ ........................................... ................ .7 ...................... Hereis the state diagram of finite automaton M2 .) o) 1.8 FIGURE State diagram of the two-state finite automaton M 2) In the formal function 6 is) 6, ql, {q2} descriptionM2 == ({ql, q2},{O,1}, ). The transition.

Possiblestrings of Osand 1s.If == More {O,1},we can wri te as shorthand for the regular expression(0 U 1). generally,if is any alphabet, the regular expression describesthe language describesthe lanconsistingof all strings of length loverthis alphabet, and It starts this \037 \037 \037 \037 \037* guageconsisting of all strings over that alphabet. Similarly The language (O\037*) that contains all strings that end in a all strings that either start with a 0 or end with a 1.) 1. \037* U.

Into two infinite b. 1.64Let N be an NFA a. b. k states that recognizessomelanguage A. A contains somestring of length Show that, if A is non empty, Show that, by giving an example, that part (a) is not replaceboth A's by A c. Show that, d. with B cs D if B C D and D contains that, if Band D are two we can find a regular language C B. Show . if A is nonempty, A contains at most k. necessarilytrue if you somestring of length at most 2k . Show that the bound given in part (c).

Have the more complicatedform <5: Q'x r ---+Q x r x {L,R},where Q'is Q without qaccept and qreject. A Turing machine M acceptsinput w if a sequenceof configurationsC1, C2, . , Ck exists,where .. 1.C1 is the start configurationof M on input 2.each Ci yields Ci+1,and 3.Ck is an acceptingconfiguration.))) w, 142 CHAPTER 3 / THE CHURCH-TURING THESIS) The collectionof strings that M acceptsis the languageof lVl, or the languagerecognizedby lVl, denotedL(M).) DEFINITION 3.5 Call a.

R is uncountable, we show that no correspondenceexistsbetween NandR. The proof is by contradiction. Supposethat a correspondencef existedbetween Nand R. Our job is to show that f fails to work as it should.Forit to be a correspondence, f must pair all the membersof will with all of But x in R that is not paired with members R. we find an the N which will in be our contradiction. N, anything The way we find this x is by actually constructing it. We chooseeach digit of x to make x different from.

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