How to Attack and Defend Your Website

How to Attack and Defend Your Website

Language: English

Pages: 76

ISBN: 0128027320

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

How to Attack and Defend Your Website is a concise introduction to web security that includes hands-on web hacking tutorials. The book has three primary objectives: to help readers develop a deep understanding of what is happening behind the scenes in a web application, with a focus on the HTTP protocol and other underlying web technologies; to teach readers how to use the industry standard in free web application vulnerability discovery and exploitation tools – most notably Burp Suite, a fully featured web application testing tool; and finally, to gain knowledge of finding and exploiting the most common web security vulnerabilities.

This book is for information security professionals and those looking to learn general penetration testing methodology and how to use the various phases of penetration testing to identify and exploit common web protocols.

How to Attack and Defend Your Website

is be the first book to combine the methodology behind using penetration testing tools such as Burp Suite and Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA), with practical exercises that show readers how to (and therefore, how to prevent) pwning with SQLMap and using stored XSS to deface web pages.

  • Learn the basics of penetration testing so that you can test your own website's integrity and security
  • Discover useful tools such as Burp Suite, DVWA, and SQLMap
  • Gain a deeper understanding of how your website works and how best to protect it

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That does not necessarily mean that it is not vulnerable to cross-site scripting. You can check the responses either in Burp Suite or by simply right clicking in your browser and viewing the source. Something to check for: are your script tags being filtered or changed in some way? If they are being filtered or changed in some way, can you think of a way to bypass that filter? There are a lot of sloppy filters out there: check out what it is doing and see if you can bypass it. Understand what the.

That content via the folder that is shared with the world. The server-side scripting language is interpreted (PHP, ASP, Python, etc.) along with (possibly) data from a database, and the output is incorporated, and passed onto the user’s browser. At the same time that the server-side content is received, the user’s browser determines whether there is any client-side script, that is, code that is executed locally, typically JavaScript, Flash, or ActionScript. If there is, it executes it. The last.

Alive. 18 How to Attack and Defend Your Website Now we will use Burp Suite to examine this traffic to better understand it. Looking at the captured request, we notice that it is POSTing some information to/vulnerabilities/exec, so the answer to the first question is that the application is using a POST request. We also see that it is passing the IP address in two parameters, “ip = = submit” which is all very standard. Those familiar with Linux will understand the output in.

Of these folders or on the root, you can select to “Spider This Host” that helps to discover additional content or “Spider This Branch,” which will constrain the spider to specific branches, or subfolders. Exploitation 29 If we select to “Spider the Host” at the root level, we notice that it automatically detects form submissions and lets us provide information for the spider to input into the form, for example, a username and password (see Image 33). The Burp Suite Spider tool is quite.

Shell. You will not be able to see the database or navigate around it as we have been doing in the above examples. Exploitation 41 All you are going to see is the web application, and from here you need to figure out how to inject and form your syntax in a way that makes the application do something unexpected. Let us look at an example of that right now. Back in the DVWA application on the SQL Injection page, it asks me for a User ID. The first step as always is to treat the application like.

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