How Nonviolent Struggle Works

How Nonviolent Struggle Works

Gene Sharp

Language: English

Pages: 168

ISBN: 1880813157

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

How Nonviolent Struggle Works is a serious introduction to nonviolent struggle, its operation, and how it can be used against organized opponents with the capacity to impose harsh repression. This book offers the principle contents of Dr. Sharp’s The Politics of Nonviolent Action in a concise, accessible, and translatable format. It will be of interest to students, activists, and anyone who wants to learn about the technique.

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And the like). 89 how nonviolenT sTruggle works B. Psychological pressures Verbal abuse, ostracism, and covertly encouraging defections and changes in plans are among the psychological pressures which the opponents may initiate. Others include vague threats of various types, making “examples” of a few by severe punishments, retaliation against family and friends of resisters or other innocent people, and severe psychological pressures. C. Confiscation Confiscation may take the form of seizure.

Policies. • The nonviolent persistence despite repression may produce psychological or qualitative effects on the opponents, their supporters, third parties, and others. In some cases of nonviolent struggle, the repression will be relatively mild or moderate. In other cases there will be brutalities. Facing brutalities Brutalities may arise because (1) the regime commonly uses terror; (2) a nontyrannical regime decides that only drastic action can crush the resisters; or (3) local officers or.

Highly disproportionate repression. Repression provoked by sabotage is not likely to weaken the opponents’ relative power position. Other ways to slip into violence One additional way of slipping into violence occurs when resisters prepare to use violence in some possible future situation. Such prepa103 how nonviolenT sTruggle works rations constitute a great temptation actually to use violence, especially at a crisis point when limited violence has already occurred. The necessity of.

Technological changes and the breakdown of the distinction between civilians and the 140 parT Three - The DYnaMiCs of nonviolenT aCTion military forces have accentuated this tendency. Centralized control of the institutions and weapons of internal or international war by a self-selected clique can be later turned against the previous government and the population in order to seize political control. Political violence contributes to the destruction of the independent institutions. Therefore,.

Experienced participants or even experienced leaders. Almost always there were no advance preparations or training, little or no planning, and no, or limited, prior consideration of strategy, tactics, and possible methods. The people using it have usually had little real understanding of the nature of the technique which they sought to wield and were largely ignorant of its history. There were no studies of strategy and tactics for them to consult, or handbooks on how to organize the “troops,”.

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