Economic Careers: Economics and Economists in Britain 1930-1970 (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics)

Economic Careers: Economics and Economists in Britain 1930-1970 (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics)

Language: English

Pages: 252

ISBN: 0415756987

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

In this volume fourteen senior economists describe their early introduction to the study of economics and their contribution to the development of academic economics in Britain.
With experience covering a period stretching from the mid 1920s to the late 1960s, many of the contributors not only provide an insight into the role of university disciplines in the education system but describe their experience in wartime administration, or as government advisors. The interview format of the work makes for accessibility and readability in a sometimes arcane area of work.

Coleridge: Early Visions, 1772-1804

Britain AD: A Quest for Arthur, England and the Anglo-Saxons

Visions of Glory, 1874-1932 (The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill, Volume 1)

Jennie Lee: A Life
















F.P.R.Brechling, ‘Trends and Cycles in British Regional Unemployment’, Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 19(1967), pp. 1–21. 184 BERNARD CORRY National Physical Laboratory!9 As did Bill Phillips working on the ‘Phillips Curve’. Because the University of London system hadn’t got going, and LSE had few computational people. And it took a long time. You might have two hours of the Research Assistant in a month’s time. And you couldn’t run everything against everything. You really had to say, ‘Could.

The format, the type, everything, they did exactly as I told them. The first edition. Oh dear, if you had seen the very first copies they turned out, they had to start all over again. It was very unreadable. It used a type that was just hopeless. TRIBE: Was that simply to do with the war restrictions on paper or…? CAIRNCROSS: Well, it had to this extent, that if there had been no restrictions on paper I would have gone to another publisher there and then; but I thought if they are committing.

Administration, but also as teachers elsewhere in the education system where the demand for ‘modern subjects’ was also on the increase. In some respects, therefore, the market upon which the post-war expansion of university economics rested was self-sustaining, fed by a general 13 Hutchison had studied Classics for Part I and did not distinguish himself in the second-year examinations. He did not therefore come to the notice of Keynes and was not invited, as promising undergraduates were, to the.

1920s and ending with Albert Sloman’s description of the foundation and early years of the University of Essex.26 They provide an overview of the relationship between the development of Economics as a discipline and the emergent careers of those who formed this discipline. Inevitably, Cambridge and LSE figure large; Oxford and the PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics), for a number of reasons, is less well represented.27 Due emphasis is given to a number of provincial institutions, especially.

Manchester, which remained a major institution into the 1960s and which contributed a large number of staff to wartime economic administration. The cycles of recruitment and retirement have followed a definite pattern in Britain; for example, a number of senior positions were vacated in the mid-1940s, and many of those in the dominant age group here retired in the late 1960s and early 1970s. This coincided with a general shift in the nature of economics towards a more abstract and econometric.

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