Eclipse Plug-ins (3rd Edition) (Eclipse Series)

Eclipse Plug-ins (3rd Edition) (Eclipse Series)

Eric Clayberg, Dan Rubel

Language: English

Pages: 856

ISBN: 0321553462

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Producing a commercial-quality plug-in means going above and beyond the minimal requirements needed to integrate with Eclipse. It means attending to all those details that contribute to the “fit and polish” of a commercial offering. This comprehensive guide covers the entire process of plug-in development, including all the extra steps needed to achieve the highest quality results.

Building on two internationally best-selling previous editions, Eclipse Plug-ins, Third Edition, has been fully revised to reflect the powerful new capabilities of Eclipse 3.4. Leading Eclipse experts Eric Clayberg and Dan Rubel present detailed, practical coverage of every aspect of plug-in development, as well as specific, proven solutions for the challenges developers are most likely to encounter.

All code examples, relevant API listings, diagrams, and screen captures have been thoroughly updated to reflect both the Eclipse 3.4 API and the latest Java syntax. In addition, Clayberg and Rubel have completely revamped their popular Favorites View case study, reworking much of its content and recreating its code from scratch. The authors carefully cover new functionality added to existing Eclipse features, such as views and editors, and fully explain brand-new features such as Commands, GEF, and PDE Build.

This extensively revised edition
* Thoroughly covers Eclipse’s new preferences
* Illuminates the powerful new Eclipse Command Framework, which replaces Eclipse’s older Action Framework
* Presents extensive new discussions of using commands with views and editors
* Introduces Mylyn, the new task-focused interface that reduces information overload and simplifies multi-tasking
* Contains an all-new chapter on using the Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) to build dynamic, interactive graphical user interface elements
* Walks you step by step through the entire PDE Build process
* Shows how to create update sites with p2, which replaces Eclipse’s old Update Manager
This book is designed for every experienced developer interested in extending the Eclipse platform, the Rational Software Development Platform, or any other platform that supports Eclipse plug-ins.

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StructuredSelection(items), true); } Then add the following to the dispose() method to clean up when the Favor- ites view is closed. if (pageSelectionListener != null) getSite().getPage().removePostSelectionListener( pageSelectionListener); (FOLSVH 3OXJLQV 7KLUG (GLWLRQ 3DJH 5HWXUQ WR 7DEOH RI &RQWHQWV 7.4 Linking the View 339 7.4.4 Opening an editor When a user double-clicks on a file in the Favorites view, a file editor should open. To accomplish this, add a new FavoritesView.

8.5.1 Context menu Typically, editors have context menus populated by commands targeted at the editor or at selected objects within the editor. There are several steps to creat- ing an editor’s context menu and several more steps to register the editor so that others can contribute commands (see Section 6.2.5, Defining a selection- based context menu item, on page 223, and Section 6.2.7, Defining an editor- specific menu or toolbar item, on page 229 for information concerning how commands.

And Wizards private IPath browse(IPath path, boolean mustExist) { FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(getShell(), mustExist ? SWT.OPEN : SWT.SAVE); if (path != null) { if (path.segmentCount() > 1) dialog.setFilterPath(path.removeLastSegments(1) .toOSString()); if (path.segmentCount() > 0) dialog.setFileName(path.lastSegment()); } String result =; if (result == null) return null; return new Path(result); } public IPath getSourceLocation() { String text =.

Id="auditmarker" point="org.eclipse.core.resources.markers" name="Properties Auditor Marker"> The org.eclipse.core.resources plug-in introduces several attributes used commonly throughout Eclipse. The following attribute keys are defined in IMarker. CHAR_END—Character end marker.

(RFRS Best Practice #3 states: A Business Partner's features and plug-ins must include appropriate attri- bution information (company name, version id, name) in the attribution dialogs started using the Feature Details... and Plug-in Details… buttons found on the About product_name dialog. (FOLSVH 3OXJLQV 7KLUG (GLWLRQ 3DJH 5HWXUQ WR 7DEOH RI &RQWHQWV 690 CHAPTER 18 • Features, Branding, and Updates Show that the about text for your feature (see Figure 18–15 on page 675).

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