Earth Star (Earth Girl, Book 2)

Earth Star (Earth Girl, Book 2)

Janet Edwards

Language: English

Pages: 226

ISBN: 0007443501

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

The highly anticipated follow-up to Janet Edward's sensational YA sci-fi debut, Earth Girl.

18-year-old Jarra has a lot to prove. After being awarded one of the military's highest honours for her role in a daring rescue attempt, Jarra finds herself – and her Ape status – in the spotlight. Jarra is one of the unlucky few born with an immune system that cannot survive on other planets. Derided as an 'ape' – a 'throwback' – by the rest of the universe, Jarra is on a mission to prove that Earth Girls are just as good as anyone else. Except now the planet she loves is under threat by what could be humanity's first ever alien contact. Jarra's bravery – and specialist knowledge – will once again be at the centre of the maelstrom, but will the rest of the universe consider Earth worth fighting for?

When We Wake

Cress (The Lunar Chronicles, Book 3)

Leviathan (Leviathan, Book 1)

UnSouled (Unwind, Book 3)

Pivot Point











Could even be executed.’ ‘From the tone of his last message, my father would have preferred me to be shot. It’s … it’s as stupid as Krath’s dad expecting him to tunnel his way out of Ark. Worrying about some ancient family grudge when humanity is making the first contact with aliens, refusing to help when something is threatening the survival of the human race, would be …’ ‘So that’s why your parents’ attitude changed after the medal ceremony,’ I said. ‘All those politely stilted conversations.

Something. We went back to our quarters, put the cakes on the table, and he gave them a depressed look. ‘Fian, what’s bothering you?’ I asked. He sighed. ‘It just keeps getting worse. First, you turn out to be a Military Honour Child, with a Colonel for a grandmother. Next, you get the Artemis. Now you’re a Major in the Military, with Commanders and Colonels eagerly wanting your expert advice, while I’m just a clueless civilian interrupting to tell them things they don’t want to hear.’ ‘You’re.

Rest of the Attack team who are already at Echo base. We’re now at alert level 4, and will move to level 3 an hour before lockdown. Threat team seem pretty confident the sphere won’t do anything drastic until the fighters have gone and the solar storm takes out the portals and leaves us vulnerable.’ I checked the latest figures from the Threat team. ‘Ugh.’ ‘What?’ ‘There’s a 21 per cent chance of the sphere opening fire when the portal network goes into lockdown. I didn’t think it would be.

Dark, but in this case the dark of granite was perfect. The image showed the alien sphere surrounded by a glowing mist of swirling colours. ‘What’s it doing?’ Fian asked. Fian might be the family failure, but he still knew an awful lot about science. If he couldn’t work out what was going on then I sure as chaos wouldn’t manage it. I patched in the command feed sound. ‘How much longer before we lose portals?’ asked the familiar voice of Colonel Torrek. ‘Fourteen minutes, sir,’ said a voice I.

Minutes, and still nothing. ‘No immediate reaction then.’ Colonel Torrek’s voice was heavy with relief. ‘Threat team, when do you predict the next danger point will be?’ ‘We may have an interesting moment at lockdown plus fifty-seven minutes,’ said Leveque, ‘but I emphasize this prediction is far from reliable. We assumed the sphere had recharged its power cells during the previous solar storm, tried to estimate its power usage since then, and calculate when it will regain maximum power.’ ‘And.

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