Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL

Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL

Language: English

Pages: 576

ISBN: 0132774208

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Digital Design, fifth edition is a modern update of the classic authoritative text on digital design.  This book teaches the basic concepts of digital design in a clear, accessible manner. The book presents the basic tools for the design of digital circuits and provides procedures suitable for a variety of digital applications.

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-12 is done by subtracting the smaller magnitude, 25, from the larger magnitude, 37, and appending the sign of 37 to the result. This is a process that requires a comparison of the signs and magnitudes and then performing either addition or subtraction. The same procedure applies to binary numbers in signed‐magnitude representation. In contrast, the rule for adding numbers in the signed‐complement system does not require a comparison or subtraction, but only addition. The procedure is very simple.

Systems and Binary Numbers 1.7* Convert the hexadecimal number 64CD to binary, and then convert it from binary to octal. 1.8 Convert the decimal number 431 to binary in two ways: (a) convert directly to binary; (b) convert first to hexadecimal and then from hexadecimal to binary. Which method is faster? 1.9 Express the following numbers in decimal: (a)* (10110.0101)2 (b)* (16.5)16 (c)* (26.24)8 (d) (DADA.B)16 (e) (1010.1101)2 1.10 Convert the following binary numbers to hexadecimal and to.

Truth table for the function F1. There are eight possible binary combinations for assigning bits to the three variables x, y, and z. The column labeled F1 contains either 0 or 1 for each of these combinations. The table shows that the function is equal to 1 when x = 1 or when yz = 01 and is equal to 0 otherwise. A Boolean function can be transformed from an algebraic expression into a circuit diagram composed of logic gates connected in a particular structure. The logic‐circuit diagram (also.

C, d); and (y, a ,C); and (w, z ,B); and (z, y, A); or (F, x, w); not (a, A); not (d, D); endmodule (b) module Circuit_B (F1, F2, F3, A0, A1, B0, B1); output F1, F2, F3; input A0, A1, B0, B1; nor (F1, F2, F3); or (F2, w1, w2, w3); and (F3, w4, w5); and (w1, w6, B1); or (w2, w6, w7, B0); and (w3, w7, B0, B1); not (w6, A1); not (w7, A0); xor (w4, A1, B1); xnor (w5, A0, B0); endmodule (c) module Circuit_C (y1, y2, y3, a, b); output y1, y2, y3; input a, b; assign y1 = a || b; and (y2, a, b); assign.

Decimal). An example of a base‐5 number is (4021.2)5 = 4 * 53 + 0 * 52 + 2 * 51 + 1 * 50 + 2 * 5-1 = (511.4)10 The coefficient values for base 5 can be only 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. The octal number system is a base‐8 system that has eight digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. An example of an octal number is 127.4. To determine its equivalent decimal value, we expand the number in a power series with a base of 8: (127.4)8 = 1 * 82 + 2 * 81 + 7 * 80 + 4 * 8-1 = (87.5)10 Note that the digits 8 and 9 cannot.

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