Cyberwar and Information Warfare

Cyberwar and Information Warfare

Daniel Ventre

Language: English

Pages: 426

ISBN: 1848213042

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Integrating empirical, conceptual, and theoretical approaches, this book presents the thinking of researchers and experts in the fields of cybersecurity, cyberdefense, and information warfare.

The aim of this book is to analyze the processes of information warfare and cyberwarfare through the historical, operational and strategic perspectives of cyberattacks.
Cyberwar and Information Warfare is of extreme use to experts in security studies and intelligence studies, defense universities, ministries of defense and security, and anyone studying political sciences, international relations, geopolitics, information technologies, etc.

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“conflict” in 2007. That summer, watchers were able to observe the country’s informational systems being blocked in public services or important infrastructures. This was attributed to a Russian neighbor and its computer pirates. The attack was interpreted as a warning to the little country of Estonia, which was guilty of a symbolic offense (moving the statue of a soldier from the Red Army). Some attacks create undeniable damage for the operation of the State’s devices, even if it were only by.

Battlefield to instill doubt and enforce his own legitimacy. Information society and 21st Century conflicts International relations intertwine and unravel in a context where excessive information changes or crystallizes perceptions through globalized communication. There are now several influence strategies in competition with each other. The French White Paper from 2008 specifies that globalization goes together, paradoxically, with a rise in nationalism, religious fanatics, or those in.

Approach of conflict regulation, which calls upon instruments of State power potentially extended to a collective action of coalition states. The comprehensive approach must be understood as a political war with a confrontation of ideas, because it is applied within the context of a globalized society of information which only partially encompasses operating theaters. It is conceived of, by a permanent consideration in the operating zones of the information environment, influence activities and.

Had been broken, and that the intelligence services had access to communications in Tokyo, analysts believed an attack on Pearl Harbor to be improbable (considering it too far from Japan). They imagined it to be more towards the Philippines, i.e. closer to the Japanese bases. Numerous warnings and alerts from US forces in the zone were given in vain, which led to fatigue and the alerts given by intelligence services to be discredited. However, going by the hypothesis that the Japanese were.

Denotes conflicting acts led in cyberspace which are distinguished from cyberwar, without, however, completely raising issues of cybercriminality. Thus let all sociopolitical, ethnic and religious movements come under the category of CID63: – the use of social networks by citizens who reject them political regime. Here we could speak of cyberrevolts, cyberprotests, cyberrevolutions, or simply the cybernetic dimensions of opposition movements; – site defacements or virus attack operations, for.

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