Building the Gymnastic Body: The Science of Gymnastics Strength Training

Building the Gymnastic Body: The Science of Gymnastics Strength Training

Christopher Sommer

Language: English

Pages: 195

ISBN: 0982125305

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

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C h m o r e difficult w h e n performed on the Xtreme Rings; the inherent instability of the rings themselves greatly increases the muscular d e m a n d s of this m o v e m e n t . For beginners on the rings, it is often easiest to begin from a bent leg straddle L a n d then extend o u t to the straight leg position. W h e n performing a straddle L on the rings always attempt to lift the legs above the rings. Do n o t b e n d the elbows, y o u should feel the biceps pressing forward strongly.

Half F r o m a n inverted h a n g pull the b o d y u p t o a shoulder stand a n d t h e n r e t u r n to the inverted h a n g . This constitutes one repetition. Use y o u r feet on the inside of the straps to stabilize yourself. The feet on the straps m a y also be u s e d to p r o v i d e assistance d u r i n g the lift. You will also find that using a false grip will allow y o u to greatly lessen the intensity of this already d e m a n d i n g exercise. WWW.GYMNASTICBODIES.COM T H E S C I E.

The m o v e m e n t while m a k i n g sure to keep the hips a n d back pressed into the bars. This constitutes one repetition. WWW.GYMNASTICBODIES.COM T H E SCIENCE OF GYMNASTICS STRENGTH TRAINING This change in orientation of the b o d y greatly reduces the leverage that can be b r o u g h t to bear by the lower back to this RLL variation. Athletes that can perform regular RLL w i t h 35-451bs will often find themselves r e d u c e d to 10251bs w h e n performing RLL on the stall bar.

Inverted pike, extend o u t w a r d to a back lever, lower d o w n to a G e r m a n h a n g a n d then pull back to the inverted pike. This m o v e m e n t m a y also be d o n e in a tuck, advanced tuck, straddle or 1/2 lay position. WWW.GYMNASTICBODIES.COM BUILDING THE GYMNASTIC BODY Difficulty rating: Reverse Crank F r o m an inverted pike, extend out to a back lever a n d t h e n pull up to an inverted h a n g . Focus on keeping the back flat a n d extended d u r i n g the pull back u p w.

Straight. If y o u find yourself struggling to keep the a r m s straight, allow t h e m to b e n d w i t h the u n d e r s t a n d i n g that this is only a short-term concession to necessity. These m a y also be d o n e in a tuck, a d v a n c e d tuck, straddle or 1/2 lay position. Once y o u h a v e mastered the basic tuck, strive to keep the h i p s flat at all times while also allowing no arch in the lower back. As a miscellaneous aside, m a n y g y m n a s t s w h o are h a v i n g.

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