Beginning iOS 9 Programming with Swift

Beginning iOS 9 Programming with Swift

Simon Ng

Language: English

Pages: 564

ISBN: 2:00353605

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Format: PDF
Release date: April 19, 2016


We will build a food app from scratch. Starting by creating an app prototype, we will add one or more features to the app in each chapter and you will have an app after working through the book. During the course of the app development, you will learn:

- Learn Swift 2 Basics Using Playgrounds
- Design UI using Stack Views
- New features of Xcode 7 like Storyboard References
- Auto layout and Size Classes
- Table views, Tab Bar and Navigation Controllers
- Table Cell Customization and Self Sizing Cells
- Applying Blur Effect using UIVisualEffect
- UIView animations and Image Manipulation
- Working with maps
- Accessing Photo Library and Camera
- Using UIWebView and SFSafariViewController to present web content
- Search bar integration
- Saving data using Core Data
- Creating tutorial screens using UIPageViewController
- Working with CloudKit
- Building a social sharing for Facebook and Twitter
- Localizing Your App into different languages
- Arranging beta test using TestFlight
- Submitting your app to App Store

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Swift, to declare a method in a class, we use the func keyword. Following the func keyword is the name of the method. This name identifies the method and makes it easy for the method to be called elsewhere in your code. Optionally, a method can take in parameters as input. The parameters are defined within the parentheses. In our example, however, the method doesn't need any parameter. In this case, we simply write an empty pair of parentheses. There is one keyword in the method declaration.

Controller is the first view controller to be loaded. All you need to do is select the Attributes inspector, and check the Controller Is Initial View option. You'll then see an arrow pointing to the table view controller (see figure 9139 2). ​ Figure 9-2. Drag a Table View Controller from the Object library and set it as the initial view controller We haven't inserted any data into the table yet. So if you compile and run the app now, you'll end up with a blank table. By default, the table.

Self.restaurantImages.removeAtIndex(indexPath.row) self.tableView.deleteRowsAtIndexPaths([indexPath], withRowAnimation: .Fade) }) return [deleteAction, shareAction] } We just add a couple of lines in the above code to create an We first load the image by using the UIActivityViewController UIImage imageToShare object for sharing. class, and then pass it to during initialization. UIActivityViewController embed the image when the user shares the restaurant to social media sites. 196 will.

Understand what each area is for. Run Your App for the First Time Until now, we have written zero lines of code. Even so, you can run your app using the built-in simulator. This will give you an idea how to build and test your app in Xcode. In the toolbar you should see the Run button. If you hit the Run button, Xcode automatically builds the app and runs it in the selected simulator. By default, the Simulator is set to iPhone 6. If you click the iPhone 6 button, you'll see a list of available.

The Object Library" button. You can use the toggle button to switch between list view and icon view (see figure 314). If you want to learn more about a specific object in the Object Library, simply click on it and Xcode shows you a brief description of the control. Okay, it's time to add a button to the view. All you need to do is drag a Button object from the Object Library to the view. ​ 39 Figure 3-15. Drag the Button to the View As you drag the Button to the view, you'll see a set of.

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