Astrophysics Is Easy!: An Introduction for the Amateur Astronomer (The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series)

Astrophysics Is Easy!: An Introduction for the Amateur Astronomer (The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series)

Language: English

Pages: 302

ISBN: 3319116436

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Astrophysics is often –with some justification – regarded as incomprehensible without the use of higher mathematics. Consequently, many amateur astronomers miss out on some of the most fascinating aspects of the subject. Astrophysics Is Easy! cuts through the difficult mathematics and explains the basics of astrophysics in accessible terms. Using nothing more than plain arithmetic and simple examples, the workings of the universe are outlined in a straightforward yet detailed and easy-to-grasp manner.


The original edition of the book was written over eight years ago, and in that time, advances in observational astronomy have led to new and significant changes to the theories of astrophysics. The new theories will be reflected in both the new and expanded chapters.


A unique aspect of this book is that, for each topic under discussion, an observing list is included so that observers can actually see for themselves the concepts presented –stars of the spectral sequence, nebulae, galaxies, even black holes. The observing list has been revised and brought up-to-date in the Second Edition.

Alone in the Universe: Why Our Planet Is Unique

The Perfect Machine: Building the Palomar Telescope

Getting Started: Using an Equatorial Telescope Mount: Everything you need to know for astrophotography or visual use.

The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids. A Revolutionary New Interpretation of the Ancient Enigma.

Modern Statistical Methods for Astronomy: With R Applications












Were in error. Thus, it will be necessary for the experiment to be performed several times. External review—The process of peer review involves experts, often in the same field of science, evaluating the experiment, who give their opinions anonymously to allow them to give unbiased criticism. If the work passes peer review, which could require new experiments requested by the reviewers, it would often be published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Data recording and sharing—Scientists must.

Intricate and delicate detail, including many dark bands. The Lagoon Nebula is located in the Sagittarius-Carina spiral arm of our galaxy, at a distance of around 5,400 light years. A favorite target with those equipped with CCD cameras. MESSIER 17 6.0m NGC 6618 s  4/  18H 20.8M ⊕ 40|30′ −16° 11′ JUNE This is a magnificent object in binoculars and is perhaps a rival to the Orion Nebula, M42, in the summer sky, and is known as the Swan or Omega Nebula. Not often observed by amateurs, which.

Of vigorous debate but is believed to be composed, in various unknown amounts, of carbon in the form of graphite, along with silicon carbides and silicates of magnesium and aluminum. The formation of the dust grains is thought to take place in the outer regions of stars—in particular, the cool supergiants and the R Corona Borealis-type stars. Dense molecular clouds are thus believed to be another possible star formation site. The temperature of the grains is thought to be about 10–100 K, which is.

Where the four stars of the Trapezium are ionizing the surrounding material. The nebula itself is at the edge of a giant molecular cloud, some 500,000 M . Supernova The final mechanism that is believed to induce further star formation is a supernova. As we shall see in later a chapter, a supernova marks the death of a star and results in a catastrophic explosion, usually blowing the star to bits! What is important to us at this stage is that the outer layers of the star are ejected into space at.

Considerable time delay before energy produced at the core reaches the surface. On average, about 170,000 years will pass before energy created at the core eventually reaches the surface.4 Furthermore, the This means that averaged over the distance from the core to the surface, a “photon” travels about 0.5 m per hour, or about 20 times slower than a snail. 4 146 8 The Sun, Our Nearest Star energy produced in 1 s does not erupt from the surface all in one go; it appears that it is radiated.

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