Android Malware (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

Android Malware (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

Language: English

Pages: 44

ISBN: 1461473934

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Mobile devices, such as smart phones, have achieved computing and networking capabilities comparable to traditional personal computers. Their successful consumerization has also become a source of pain for adopting users and organizations. In particular, the widespread presence of information-stealing applications and other types of mobile malware raises substantial security and privacy concerns. 

Android Malware presents a systematic view on state-of-the-art mobile malware that targets the popular Android mobile platform.  Covering key topics like the Android malware history, malware behavior and classification, as well as, possible defense techniques.

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 6 Acronyms ACM AES AOSP API ASLR C&C CCS CNN DES DRM DVM HTML HTTP IMEI J2ME JAR JNI MMS OS PC QR Code SHA1 SIM SMS SQL SSL UI URL WAP WIFI XN Association for Computing Machinery Advanced Encryption Standard Android Open Source Project Application Programming Interface Address Space Layout Randomization Command and Control Computer and Communications Security Cable News Network Data Encryption Standard Digital Rights.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 6 Acronyms ACM AES AOSP API ASLR C&C CCS CNN DES DRM DVM HTML HTTP IMEI J2ME JAR JNI MMS OS PC QR Code SHA1 SIM SMS SQL SSL UI URL WAP WIFI XN Association for Computing Machinery Advanced Encryption Standard Android Open Source Project Application Programming Interface Address Space Layout Randomization Command and Control Computer and Communications Security Cable News Network Data Encryption Standard Digital Rights.

AnserverBot Trojan. Bot_Analysis.pdf 5. Android Trickery. 6. Android. Bgserv Found on Fake Google Security Patch. blogs/androidbgserv-found-fake-google-security-patch 7. Asroot. 8. AVG Mobilation. 9. Droid2.

Applications with malicious payloads, which indicates the policing need of detecting repackaged applications in the current Android marketplaces. Also, we observe that more recent Android malware families are adopting update attacks and drive-by downloads to infect users, which are more stealthy and difficult to detect. Further, when analyzing the carried payloads, we notice a number of alarming statistics: (1) Around one third (36.7 %) of the collected malware samples leverage root-level.

Characterization 17 We also observe that some malware families attempt to be stealthy by encrypting the URLs of remote C&C servers as well as their communication with C&C servers. For example, Pjapps develops its own encoding scheme to encrypt the C&C server addresses. One of its samples encodes its C&C server into 2maodb3ialke8mdeme3gkos9g1icaofm. DroidKungFu3 employs the standard AES encryption scheme and uses the key Fuck_sExy-aLl!Pw to hide its C&C servers. Geinimi.

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