Android Karenina (Quirk Classic)

Android Karenina (Quirk Classic)

Ben H. Winters

Language: English

Pages: 541

ISBN: 1594744602

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub

Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters co-author Ben H. Winters is back with an all-new collaborator, legendary Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy, and the result is Android Karenina an enhanced edition of the classic love story set in a dystopian world of robots, cyborgs, and interstellar space travel.

As in the original novel, our story follows two relationships: the tragic adulterous romance of Anna Karenina and Count Alexei Vronsky, and the much more hopeful marriage of Konstantin Levin and Kitty Shcherbatskaya.These four, yearning for true love, live in a steampunk-inspired 19th century of mechanical butlers, extraterrestrial-worshiping cults, and airborne debutante balls. Their passions alone would be enough to consume them-but when a secret cabal of radical scientific revolutionaries launches an attack on Russian high society's high-tech lifestyle, our heroes must fight back with all their courage, all their gadgets, and all the power of a sleek new cyborg model like nothing the world has ever seen."

Filled with the same blend of romance, drama, and fantasy that made the first two Quirk Classics New York Times best sellers, Android Karenina brings this celebrated series into the exciting world of science fiction.

The Terrible Privacy of Maxwell Sim

After the Saucers Landed

Pretender to the Throne: The Further Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin

The Mouse That Saved the West

Short of Glory



















Physical power, but with the force of the mind; but now, the control was firm but gentle, like that of a loving father, guiding the hands of his son. “Now give him your hand,” Anna demanded. “Forgive him.” Alexei Alexandrovich gave Count Vronsky his hand. “Thank God, thank God,” Anna said. “Now everything is ready. Now—” And again she locked, and arched, and her spine grew rigid like a bridge of steel as her body floated several inches above the mattress. For some minutes they stood that way:.

Prediction came true. Toward night the sick man was not able to lift his hands, and could only gaze before him with the same intensely concentrated expression in his eyes. Even when his brother or Kitty bent over him, so that he could see them, he looked just the same. Kitty sent for the priest to say the prayer for the dying. While the priest was administering the blessing, the dying man suddenly buckled violently, his hands thrashing, his body contorting up and back, shaking like a bridge.

Round like some little wild animal at the big grown-up people with her bright, black eyes, she smiled, unmistakably pleased at their admiring her, and holding her legs sideways, she pressed vigorously on her arms, and rapidly drew her whole back up after, and then made another step forward with her little arms. VRONSKY CHEWED ON THE ENDS OF HIS MOUSTACHE AS HE BARKED ORDERS AT HIS MECHANICAL CHARGES Dolly clapped in appreciation, but Anna only screwed up her eyes, as though looking at.

Pustule, slightly larger than the first, throbbing on his brother’s cheek. It was difficult to eat. “Yes, of course,” said Konstantin Levin, as his brother rambled about some new idea he had, a theory about forming a new membership association for Class IIIs. He tried not to look at the patch of red that had come out on his brother’s projecting cheekbones. “Why such an association? What use is it?” “Why? Because robots have been made slaves, just as the peasants once were in the time of the.

Had so worked upon her the day before. More than once she had told herself during the past few days, and again only a few moments before, that Vronsky was for her only one of the hundreds of young men, forever exactly the same, that are met everywhere, that she would never allow herself to bestow a thought upon him. But now at the first instant of meeting him, she was seized by a feeling of joyful pride. She had no need to ask why he was here. She knew as certainly as if he had told her that he.

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