7 Weeks to Getting Ripped: The Ultimate Weight-Free, Gym-Free Training Program

7 Weeks to Getting Ripped: The Ultimate Weight-Free, Gym-Free Training Program

Brett Stewart

Language: English

Pages: 77

ISBN: 1612430260

Format: PDF / Kindle (mobi) / ePub


Follow the day-by-day plan in this book and you will finally achieve the body you’ve always wanted. The 7 Weeks to Getting Ripped program takes less than 2 hours per week and doesn’t require any bulky gym equipment, but the workouts have the power to reshape your entire physique.

Packed with clear charts and helpful photos, this book provides everything you need to get in the best shape of your life in just 7 weeks:

• Effective bodyweight exercises
• Fun & challenging fitness games
• Step-by-step instructions
• Valuable nutrition tips
• Easy-to-follow programs

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Sag. If you have a partner or mirror, take a peek at your form. Once you can no longer keep your back flat, lower your torso to the floor and note the time. RIPPED TIP: Engage your core as if you were breathing in and out through a straw—purse your lips and force the air in and out with your ab muscles. Mike DeAngelo would always tell me to “breathe with your belly button” to keep my core taut and back straight. Congratulations on finishing the test—you’re already on your way to getting.

Your arms tight to your torso and bring your elbows toward your waist. At the top of the move, touch one shoulder to the bar. In a slow and controlled manner, lower your body back to the starting position. Switch shoulders each rep. RIPPED VARIATION: For more core activation, on the upward movement raise your knees up and crunch your core—the higher your legs, the more you activate your core. You can even bring your feet up to touch the bar. Plank This is a timed exercise, so place a.

Before starting so you can grip the bar when performing the pull-up and make sure that you don’t hit your head on the bar when jumping up from the air squat. This is a very complicated exercise, so take your time to familiarize yourself with each and every part of the movement before attempting it at full speed. 1 Stand beneath a pull-up bar with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. 2–3 Lower your body into a squat. At the bottom of the squat, place both hands on the ground.

& BACK SPRINTS Win the game by being the last one standing. Number of players: 2+ Description: Start with 2 players side by side at a pair of cones. One player tosses the ball using either an overhand forward, underhand forward or shot put toss. The other player sprints after the ball, picks it up over his head and sprints back with the ball overhead. Be careful and keep a good grip on the ball over your head. When the sprinter makes it back to the starting position, switch roles (if.

Pull-up gets its name because you hang “down under” the bar. It’s a great way to strengthen the muscles of your upper back, arms and chest while still keeping your feet on the ground. This is much easier than a traditional pull-up because you’re not lifting your entire bodyweight. I’ve done this exercise with lower bars at a playground or with a broom handle placed on the back of two chairs, but I recommend using a Smith machine at a gym with the bar lowered 36” off the floor. Make sure there’s.

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